I have moved to Google.
Here is my new home.
Esfahani ,
Department of Computer Science
Volgenau School of Engineering
George Mason University
Telephone Number: 
Curriculum Vitae
DBLP | Google scholar

Ph.D. in Computer Science, George Mason University
: 2008-2014
M.Sc. in Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology
: 2005-2008
B.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran
: 2001-2005

Research Interests
- Software Engineering
- Software Architecture and Design
- Autonomic Computing
- Engineering Mobile and Distributed Software Systems

Work Experience
Google Inc., Mountain View, California as Software Engineer
: Aug.2014-now
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia as Graduate Research Assistant
: Sep.2008-Jul.2014
Google Inc., Mountain View, California as Software Engineering Intern
: May.2013-Aug.2013
Google Inc., New York City, New York as Software Engineering Intern
: Sep.2011-Dec.2011
Sysnet Group, Fairfax, Virginia as Mobile Software Engineering Intern
: May.2010-Aug.2010
Iran Khodro, Tehran, Iran as IK Card project architecture consultant
: Mar.2006-Oct.2006
A'van Corp, Tehran, Iran as J2EE developer and designer
: Jul.2005-Mar.2006
Eide Pardazan Corp, Tehran, Iran as researcher and developer
: Jul.2004-Jan.2005
ECE Dep., University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran as admin of Linux server (Khorshid) and clients
: Jul.2003-Oct.2004

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