CS 112 Schedule - Spring 2014

1 Schedule

Weekweek of…ProjectsLecture TopicsLab TopicReadings (pre-lecture)
1W 1/22
course intro(no lab this partial week)Using the Zeus Cluster
2M 1/27
numbers, expressionsTEXT (0.1-0.7): basic intro to CS
strings, printing
basic algorithms, pseudocodeLIB (4.4): numeric types
variables, identifiers, keywordsTEXT (1.1-1.4): interactive session, parts of a program
assignment, statements vs expressionsLANG (1.2): notation (BNF)
getting user inputLANG (2.1.3 comments, 2.1.8 indentation, 2.3-2.3.1 identifiers and keywords, 2.5 operators)
testing via print statements
LIB (2 built-in functions)
basic functions/returns (for projects)
basics - setting up tools
3M 2/3
quiz 1 - basics
expressions, booleans
comments, code hygieneTEXT (Ch.1 "beginnings", Ch.3 "Algorithms and Program Development")
booleans, boolean operationsLANG (6.9-6.10) comparisons, boolean operations
P1 due
4M 2/10
quiz 2 - booleans
selection stmts
selection statementsLANG (8.1) if statements
LIB (4.1-4.3) truth-value testing, boolean operations, comparisons
TEXT (Ch.2 "Control")
looping statements: while, forLANG (8.2-8.3) while, for statements
(p2 tests due)
5M 2/17
quiz 3 - selection stmts
control flow
more control flow practice
lists, tuplesLIB (4.6-4.6.1) string sequence type, common sequence operations
string operationsTEXT (Ch.4, "Working with Strings")
LIB (27.3-27.4) python debugger and commands
testing via print statementsLIB (4.6.3) mutable sequence operations
TEXT (Ch.7, "Lists and Tuples")
P2 due
6M 2/24
quiz 4 - loops
more on sequences
(p3 tests due)
7M 3/3
quiz 5 - sequences
test recap
functions introTEXT (Ch.8.1-8.2, "Functions and Scope")
parameters, return valuesTEXT (Ch. 6, "Functions - QuickStart")
P3 due
M 3/10–——SPRING BREAK–——–——
8M 3/17
(no quiz)
functions, sets, dicts
scope, mutability across func. calls
sets, dictionariesLIB (4.9-4.10) sets, mapping types
TEXT (Ch.9 "Dictionaries and Sets")
(p4 tests due)
9M 3/24
quiz - functions
finish sets/dictionaries
brief intro to exceptionsLANG (4.2 Exceptions, 7.8 raise statement)
file input/outputTEXT (CH.5 "Files and Exceptions I", 14.1-14.2 "More Details on Files" and "CSV Files")
P4 due
10M 3/31
quiz - sets/dicts
review for test 2
review for test 2
object oriented programming (OO)TEXT (Ch. 11.1-11.2 OO Programming, 11.7 "Python and OOP")
TEXT (Ch. 11.3-11.6, classes and objects in Python)
(p5 tests due)
11M 4/7
(no quiz)
recap test 2
classes/objects: creation, usage
P5 due
12M 4/14
quiz - classes
finish up OO
exceptionsLANG (4.2 Exceptions, 7.8 raise statement)
13M 4/21
(no quiz)
extra topics (vary by section)
(p6 tests due)
14M 4/28
quiz - exceptions
extra topics
P6 due
15M 5/5
extra topicsreview/course evals
Review for Final Exam

2 Projects:

  • P1: get used to marmoset and tools
  • P2: expressions, seletion statements, functions/returns, manual typechecks.
  • P3: loops
  • P4: more loops… not much different than P3, should they be combined/ one dropped? A simpler P3 would be one option
  • P5: dictionaries, file IO
  • P6: classes (TBD)

Date: 2014-01-20T19:51-0500

Author: Mark Snyder

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