






Since the invention of the software open source and free software existed. However the term, Open Source Software, has evolved and open source software has revolutionized. Many of the popular software today are open source including Firefox, Linux OS, OpenOffice.org and, most popular portable device OS, Android ((Blackadder, 2009) and (Markoff, 2007)). What sets free and open source software apart is that users can see and modify program code giving users the opportunity to use, learn, distribute, and sometimes make profit by selling software. Just because open source software are free doesn’t mean it’s not better then proprietary paid software by any means and sometimes it’s better in terms of community support and security. Though open source software is free and gives user many benefits, ironically, it comes with the cost of Software industry itself. Open Source software takes away profit from the software industry. In many cases open source software relies on donation and community support from its users which sometimes aren’t so reliable. Aside from that, not all open source software aren’t supported nor maintained by anyone. Since distributer of the software can modify the code, users of the software may be fooled into using software that actually contains virus, spyware, and other privacy and security concerns.

While open source software is the free source of computer software and the development community is a wealth of resource, it does have negative side of harming software industry. Though open source software has its advantages and disadvantages, compare to harm, benefits are far more superior. The users of open source software should donate to the organization considering that open source software is highly depended on donation. By ignoring the harms open source software is truly today’s revolution. Today’s generation of programmers and anyone involving in IT should try to contribute to the open source community by donating  and participating in development of open source software.

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