Marcin Rogawski

Ph.D. Candidate
Cryptographic Engineering Research Group
Electrical and Computer Engineering
George Mason University

I am a Ph.D. student, under Prof. Kris Gaj at the GMU Electrical and Computer Engineering, in the Cryptographic Engineering Research Group. My research focus is cryptography, information security, algorithms and hardware/software applications of cryptography.

My M.Sc. dissertation in Computer Science, at the Military University of Technology, Cybernetics Department, Institute of Mathematics and Cryptology, investigated  Analysis of hardware implementation Hierocrypt-3 algorithm.

E-mail:    mrogawsk(at)
Office:    room 3231 in Engineering Building II
PGP Key:    
Mailing address:    4400 University Drive, Farifax VA 22030, USA

Publications and Talks:

Current Research Intrests:
Hardware and Software Implementations of SHA-1 and SHA-2 and SHA-3 competition,
Hardware and Software Implementations of Modular Arithmetic
Pairing based Cryptography
Lattice based Cryptography
Digital Signatures
Automated Tool for Hardware EvaluatioN

Teaching Assistanship for Courses:

ECE 447 Single-Chip Microcomputers - Fall 2008
ECE 511 Microprocessors - Fall 2008
ECE 448 FPGA and ASIC Design with VHDL - Spring 2009
ECE 645 Computer Arithmetic - Spring 2009

Online Antivirus Scanner - one of the best, unfortunately IE support only. Full package available for 98/NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista and for Linux/BSD - english version available,
Polish Cryptographic Research Group - informal association of Polish young crypto researchers
Handbook of Applied Cryptography - the greatest book about cryptography
Cryptarchi -the nicest conference related to cryptographic engeneering
Explicit-Formulas Database for ECC by Tanja Lange and Daniel Bernstein
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