Virginia Montecino

English Department
George Mason University
e-mail me at

Distance Learning English 302 - Requirements For Final Portfolio

You can post your portfolio on your course web page or turn in a hard copy. If you use the Web publishing option, please be sure that all of the components of your course work are linked to the "page" and are working. If you don't want to make your course web page public, don't post the address on the web. Give it to me and your group members in private. Give me the address of your web page in time for me to check it out before you submit the documents you create. You should have a copy of all of your course work (on disk and in print). If your work gets "lost" in the on-line submission process, I am not responsible. Be sure you have a copy to resubmit. Don't wait until the last minute. I don't give extensions for portfolios. 

Please be sure that you don't give me the only copy you have of the body of your work for this class. If you submit hard copy, I recommend you put your portfolio material in one of those large yellow envelopes. Please label it with your name, English 302, Section Number, Semester, my name. If you want it back, you can weigh the entire package before you send it to me and enclose another large envelope (self-addressed) with the appropriate number of stamps. I will not reweigh the material or make up for insufficient postage. Don't pre-stamp it (those pre-stamped mail items have to be mailed from the same post office from which the stamps were purchased).- 

I am not responsible for lost mail. If you choose not to enclose a self addressed, stamped envelope, you can pick your portfolio up sometime the next semester. I only keep material one semester. 

Order of material and required format: 

  1. COVER PAGE (which includes: the title, Final Portfolio - English 302, Section Number, Semester, your name, my name, date of submission.
  2. PORTFOLIO GRADING CRITERIA SHEET (Put check marks by the appropriate item if it is included in the Portfolio. I will fill in the comments sections and the grade. 
  3. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Name and brief description of documents in the order listed in # 4. 
  4. PREFACE - The preface should be your commentary on your work in your portfolio. It really helps me see you as a writer and a person when I read your portfolios if you "talk" to me in your preface. This is a chance for you to discuss your writing from your own perspective. Address what you think went well with each assignment. What writing issues did you struggle with? What struggles did you resolve? What did you learn from doing the assignments? Positive and negative experiences can both be learning experiences. What did you learn from doing responses to others' papers? What value did you get out of responses made by your group members? Address any other issues which relate to your course work (pros and cons of a computer-mediated writing class, for example.) Try to be specific and provide examples to support your positions. 
  5. ITEMS IN PORTFOLIO (in this order - should match your table of contents):

  6. a. - Final version of Metaphor paper
    b. - Final version Research Paper Proposal 
    c. - Final version of Research Paper (plus draft commented upon by me)
    d. - Final version of Writing Culture Assignment: Part I and Part II - Interview and Final version of examination of documents ( + all documents you analyzed for the assignment). Do not post the interview on your Web page without that person's permission. If you are a non-local student, you can send me the interview via e-mail. If you don't want to make your course web page public, don't post the address on the web. Give it to me and your group members in private. Mail me the documents you critiqued if you are not a local student. You may be liable if you post someone else's work on your Web page without his or her permission.
    e. - Group Internet Project. An informal individual report of your contribution to the analysis of a web site in your major (include the Web address of your group web page (if you chose the Web page option) . At the top of your report, include the Web address of the site you critiqued), plus your write-up of what you contributed to the project - time spent, what role/s you played in getting the project to completion, a brief summary of the site you analyzed, and the group members names and their Web page addresses (if relevant). 

    Please do not include copies of private correspondence with members of the class. I don't want to intrude on your privacy.

    Home page of Virginia Montecino | e-mail me at