CS 103 Course Page
Lecture 5
Microsoft EXCEL - An electronic spreadsheet that operates on Windows machines. It is also bundled as part of the Microsoft Office software package, which includes MS Word, Power Point, and Access. It is an electronic version of a worksheet or accountant's ledge. Some basic functions:
Workbook - contains related worksheets and charts
Each "sheet" looks similar to ledger paper. User can:
The "sheet" is divided into vertical columns and horizontal rows. Columns are labeled from A to Z, then AA to AZ and so on. Rows are numbered : 1, 2, 3, and so on Each cell has an "address, " which coincides with its position
in a row and column. For example
cell pointer - dark rectangle that indicates the active cell Values - numbers, formula, functions
Format Cells - general, text, number, currency, date, time, percent, fraction, etc. Can format numbers w. specific decimal places. Can click right mouse button to format cells. Other formatting options: See format on menu bar. Title bar - displays program name and active filename Standard menu bar - standard Windows functions, with Excel-specific functions added. Standard toolbar - displays"save," " print," " copy/paste," .... Formatting tool bar - displays "bold," "italics," "underline," ... Formula bar - appears below tool - includes Name box, formula buttons Sheet tabs - left bottom active (sheet you are working in) or inactive sheet . Right click sheet tab to rename sheet. Freeze Panes - to keep rows and columns visible when you have to scroll through worksheets with many columns and rows. Select columns or rows -> Window -> Freeze panes Zoom - magnify or reduce display. Select View -> zoom Charts
Horizontal Axis - X
Absolute Cell Reference- Absolute formula reference formulas calculate ONLY the values in specific cells. Even if you move the formula it will still refer to the specified cells. Absolute cell references have a dollar sign ($) in front of the column and row identifier. For example: The formula looks like this: $A$1+$B$1 The absolute cell reference above tells the Excel program to calculate the sum of Column A, Row 1 and Column B, Row 1. Relative Cell Reference- Relative cell reference formulas calculate based on the same relationship, which can be applied to different cells. The formula in a relative cell reference can be copied and applied to other cells. Formula - an equation that analyzes data. Function -
a predefined formula
Example of a SUM function - =SUM(B2:B8) is the formula which commands the program to add/sum the values in Column B, rows 2 through 8. Formulas and functions begin with an equal (=) sign. What-if function - You can insert different values to see a "what-if" scenario. For example, you would use this function if you want to calculate a possible increase in sales to see a projected profit. You must use absolute cell references to accomplish this analysis. See pp B14-15 in Microsoft Office 97 workbook. If-then function
- Returns a value or comment if one condition you specify is true and another
is false. For example, take this formula:
If good participation in a group project is a grade of 80 or above,
this formula, applied to a group of students' grades could target who has
good participation and who has poor participation. The terms "Good
Participation" or "Poor Participation" would appear in relation to the
student's grade.
PRINT- some basic options Print preview - File -> Print Preview
Save Excel worksheet data and Excel charts
as HTML documents.
Worksheets are saved in html table format. Charts are saved separately, with a .gif extension. You will have to use WSftp, or another file transfer protocol program, to load the spreadsheet file (with the .htm or .html extension) and the chart file (with the .gif) extension into your Web space. The html tags which embed the chart location in the html document is accomplished in the "save as html" procedure. Charts can be tricky to size for the Web.
Formatting doesn't always come out the way you expect. Experiment
with option in the "save as" html procedure.
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