Welcome to my Web site

Michael S. Oblinger


This is not an ordinary Web site. This site is the story of how I became a semi-confident HTML geek.

When I first started working on my Web site, it was really stinky.

Instead of being stressed,

I called Dr. Pregram to get some extra help.

I was feeling more confident about this project after we met

and downloaded

some items which made my HTML adventure more enjoyable.

I have been working on this project everyday after school. I am getting better, but I will keep my day job.

At the present time I am a Physical Education teacher in Fairfax County at Washington Irving Middle School.

I am enrolled in the CTCH 603 class at George Mason University. This class, Teaching with Technology is taught by Dr. William Pegram . I am in the DACCE program at George Mason University.

One of our projects in the CTCH 603 class is to create our own Web page using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

HTML in computer science, is the standard text-formatting language documents on the interconnected computing network, known as the World Wide Web. HTML documents are text files that contain two parts, (1)Content that is meant to be rendered on a computer screen and (2) markup or tags, encoded information that directs the text format on the screen and is generally hidden from the user. HTML is a subset of a broader language called Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), which is a system for encoding and formatting documents that are used for output to a computer screen or to paper.

During this course we have completed several written assignments and they are posted below.

Course management system

Learning Contract

Technology and Learning Styles


My persentations to the other students includedQUIA ,Quintessential Instructional Archive and the American Psychological Association (APA Template)