Vitae | Goal Statements | Coursework | Analytical Thinking | Professional Experiences | Research & Dissertation Planning | Documentation of Academic & Professional Growth |
One Step Back to Two
Steps Forward in the Dance with Complementarity, Collaboration, Synthesis and
Overlay—A Researcher’s Identity
EDRS 812, Qualitative Methods - Researcher Identity - Spring 2007
This piece defines my role as a
critical constructivist researcher working within the action research
Moving Away from Deficits Towards Debt Management Systems
EDUC 874, Achievement Gap - Final Paper - Spring 2007
This piece explores the issues
and policies connected with early primary (kindergarten and first grade
students) and phonological
awareness as they relate to the initial achievement gap and its
widening during the elementary years. It advocates for the
scaling up of culturally
responsive processes that generate teacher learning rather than
programs that dictate methods and techniques.