Mason home page for Michael X. Lyons

Last updated: May 23, 2024
Photo of Prof. Lyons

Prof. Lyons is an Instructor and Course Coordinator for undergraduate Cybersecurity courses within the Department of Information Sciences and Technology in the Volgenau School of Engineering at George Mason University.

Prof. Lyons is a Faculty Member of Mason's Cryptographic Engineering Research Group.

Summer 2024

Frequently asked questions

The following questions are often asked of Prof. Lyons:


Modular exponentiation calculator (VPN required if off campus)
Extended Euclidean algorithm calculator (VPN required if off campus)

AM/FM waveform model
AM waveforms
FM waveforms

Public keys

X.509 certificate 1
X.509 certificate 2
PGP public key

Student recommendations

It is Prof. Lyons' policy to write recommendations for students only if all of the following conditions are met:

Contact information

Email: (preferred)
  Students registered in Prof. Lyons' classes should send email using Blackboard, Tools, Send Email, Select Users, select Prof. Lyons.
  Others should send email to .
Mailing address:
  Prof. Michael X. Lyons
George Mason University
10900 University Drive MS 4F5
Manassas, VA 20110-2201

Copyright © 2024 Michael X. Lyons.  All rights reserved.