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Department of Applied Information Technology  
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Dr. Leary is an adjunct professor for Information Security courses within the Department of Applied Informaiton Technology in the Volgeneau School of Information Technology at George Mason University.She consults for Nortel Government Solutions, Inc. as a Senior Security Policy Analyst, providing guidance to Federal agencies on e-Authentication, Identity Management, Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA), and performs security auditing on government agency systems. She is a co-Principal Investigator (PI) for CyberWATCH, a consortium of higher education institutions, business and government agencies both in the Washington, D.C. region and nationally, dedicated to increasing the number of workers in the information assurance workforce.

Office Hours: Friday 12:00 - 1:00 PM or by appointment

Fall 2009 Classes:

IT 223 - 005: F, Innovation Hall RM 208, 1:30-4:10 PM

Email: mleary@gmu.edu