The walk up the river was rough. The cold had managed to seep through my jacket and I was starting to wish more and more that I had stopped for a fire. walking on the rocks became more and more risky. The river rushed by me going the opposite direction. At times it felt like it was pushing me back. I listened to the river and the animals around me. I was nervous that one of those coyotes or bears would find me and end me. The moon shone through the trees and casted shadows.



    I walked slowly. Every few steps I had to stop. Shadows danced in and out the trees and I took time to watch them. At times they looked human and others they just took abstact shapes. I would stand still and try to make out the shapes. Everytime I moved forward I would find that the shadow was a bush, a tree, or that it had just disappeared. I was so thirsty by this point that I took water from the river and put it in my water bottle. I drank half of it. My progress was slowed.

    I took notice of a shadow that moved in front of me. It was an outline of a large creature. It started to move towards me and I started to get nervous. It approached slowly. I walked back slowly so it would not get any closer. My heartbeat intensified and by breaths became heavy.