I walked up the steps to the cabin. I reached my hand up from my pockets and started to knock on the door. A man with a beard opened the door. I felt warmth rush out of the house  as I looked towards the man.I felt like I had seen him before.

"I'm sorry to bother.."


"Yeah, I got seperated from my hiking group last night. I spent all night in the forest."

"I see. I also see that you're a little beat up."

"Yeah, I've been through a lot."

"Yeah, you probably have. Come in and get warm. There is breakfast on the stove. When are you going to figure all of this out."

    I walked into the hosue and took off all my clothes. I felt like I'd been in the forest forever. "What's your name sir?" I asked the man.

"The Devil".


    I turned around just in time to see the man with a shotgun in hand. "No one gets out of the forest. Ever. Especially you." I felt the blast of thne shotgun and slumped in the corner. I became cold and became nothing at all. "Hell is a loop."