I spotted a tree I thought would be big enough to hide from this thing. I quickly ducked down behind the tree and held onto its bark. I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. My breaths were heavy. I was sure anything or anyone around me could hear them a mile off. I covered my mouth. I hid my eyes from the night and got as low as I could. I could hear the footsteps coming closer and to my surprise this creature sounded like it ran on two legs.

    I wanted to look so bad to see where the creature was but knew I couldn't. I heard the steps grow closer and closer. They stopped. I held still and waited for what seemed to be an hour. I began to peak my eyes around the tree. I locked eyes with the creature which stood fifteen feet away from me. I couldn't run fast enough as I was overtaken. I felt it's claws go into my flesh and break bones. I felt teeth come down around my neck. Blood poured from my neck and back. I felt my body grow cold.

    I watched my mangled body as the creature continued to toss it around. I ascended towards home. My body. Towards a final resting place.


Going back sometimes doesn't work out. You can't cheat death.