Class Participation



Writing for Multimedia is a workshop class. I like workshops because they let us experiment and risk the unknown. You gain feedback from teachers and peers. And you discover talents and skills you have never exercised.

But the workshop format does mean you need to attend class regularly. The work you complete in one class prepares you for your homework, which prepares you for the next week's class which prepares you for your assignment which prepares you for.... And so on. Class participation thus forms a significant segment of your grade.

I am not at all looking for instant expertise in every workshop. I am just looking for assiduous attendance, thorough preparation and generous contributions to class discussions, writing exercises and ad hoc reading quizzes. Anyone can achieve A-grade participation, regardless of background knowledge, skill or learning style.

Late Work
Everyone in class has one "Life Happens," excemption and thus may submit one assignment up to five days after its due date. Thereafter, the penalities below for late work apply. The "Life Happens" exemption is not available for group work or the final submission of the group project and its presentation to the class.

Please remember that faculty rest under no obligation to accept late work. If you submit work late, you will lose one grade segment for every day beyond its due date. In extenuating personal or professional circumstances, I will accept late work without penalty, if you contact me as soon as the prospect of unfinished work arises. If you are ill, please provide medical documentation. Without medical documentation, faculty cannot offer exemption from deadlines on assignments.