Learning Resources


Writing Fellow

The Disability Resource Center
If you have a learning difference which may influence your work in this class, please give me as soon as possible the form from the Disability Resource Center which details the accommodations you need to complete the course enjoyably and successfully. Faculty can only offer accommodations to students who have identified themselves to the Disability Resource Center.

If you think you may have a learning difference which may inhibit your work in the class, please try to see one of the counselors in the Disability Resource Center as soon as possible to determine the accommodations you might need.

The New Century College Online Writing Guide
NCC's Online Writing Guide, created by Virginia Montecino and Ashley Williams, provides you with 24/7 access to writing advice especially designed for interdisciplinary, integrative writing activities.

The Writing Center
The University's Writing Center offers free, expert tutoring to writers at all levels who want to improve their writing. Each individual session lasts for 45 minutes, and you should try to book an appointment in advance. I strongly recommend that you schedule a Writing Center sessions as frequently as you need them. Consultations will help you target an audience, write concisely and hold your readers' attention. You can find the Writing Center in Robinson A, Room 116.

Student Technology Assistance and Resource Center
STAR provides free training in common software applications, and classes in more advanced softwares for building creative web sites, CDs and videos. Check out the schedule of free classes to learn, for example, HTML, the code that lets you create web pages and some of the web authoring softwares that automate that coding process for you.

If this course whets your appetite for creating multimedia, you will be able to learn many of the programs necessary at STAR. But remember that your earn your grade for this course via your writing!