WS_FTP - Transfering Files using a Windows OS PC
What is WS_FTP?
WS_FTP stands for Winsock File Transfer Protocol.  It is a program that allows you to transfer, or move, files from a Windows based personal computer to another computer using the connectivity of the Internet. 

Click here  for an explanation from the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.

How Do I Use It? STEP ONE, Connecting to your mainframe server (or host...remember that the name of our Host is  Click here to see how your screen will look once you have logged onto WS_FTP. 

STEP TWO, Transfer, or move, the file from your floppy to your mainframe account. This is also called "uploading."

STEP THREE,  Transfer, or move a file from your mainframe account to your floppy or local drive on your PC.  This is also called "downloading."