FETCH - Transfering Files using a Macintosh Computer
What is Fetch?
Fetch is a software program that allows you to transfer, or move, files from one computer to another using the connectivity of the Internet.  It was created at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. The creators of this program had a good sense of humor because while you are waiting for your file to transfer between two computers, you will see a little black dog running on your computer screen. In English fetch is a game you can play with a dog--with your dog standing next to you, you throw a ball or a stick and tell your dog to fetch it, or to go get the ball or stick and bring it back to you. 

Click  here  for an explanation from the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. 

How Do I Use It? STEP ONE, Connecting to your mainframe server (or host...remember that the name of our Host is mason.gmu.edu).

STEP TWO, Transfer, or move, the file from your floppy to your mainframe account. This is also called "uploading."

STEP THREE,  Transfer, or move a file from your mainframe account to your floppy or local drive on your PC.  This is also called "downloading."

You can get another set of pretty good instructions about using FETCH from The Rochester Institute of Technology (R.I.T.) in Rochester, New York.