Learning Logs

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Learning Log #1 -- Due Tuesday, February 23, 2010

    On a paper that you will turn into you instructor and later add to your Writer's Journal, answer the following questions related to your Reading Assignment #1.  Your answers can come directly from information you find in the reading or other souces (such as the class grammar lecture, my online grammar PowerPoint presentations or your own knowledge). 

    1. What are nouns?

    2. What is a pronoun antecedent?

    3. How many different types of pronouns are there in English?

    4. What are the five relative pronouns in English?

    5. What is the difference between a helping and a main verb?

    6. How are adjectives and adverbs similar?

    7. How are adjectives and adverbs different?

    8. Can a preposition be more than one word long? Provide evidence for you answer.

    9. What is a conjunction?

    10. What are the types of conjunctions listed in the book?

    11. What are subjects?

    12. What is another name for a linking verb? (see my PowerPoint presentation if you can't figure it out -- the part about complements).

    13. What is the difference between a direct and an indirect object?

    14. What is a sentence?

    15. What is a phrase?

    16. Gerund phrases function like what? Give an example.

    17. Infinitive phrases function like what? Give an example.

    18. Appositive phrases look like what part of speech but act like what other part of speech?  Give an example using your own words.

    19. Phrases and subordinate clauses have different components, but they have similar functions to phrases. What are those functions?

    20. There are three types of subordinate clauses in English. What are they? Provide an example of each written in your own words.

    21. There are four types of sentences. What are they and what are their components?

    22. What question do you have about grammar?  Write out your question as your answer to #22 and I will do my best to answer it for you.

Learning Log #2 --Due

On a paper that you will turn into you instructor and later add to your Writer's Journal, answer the questions below related to your Reading Assignment #2

  1. Complete the on-line exercise E-ex R1-1 Research questions available with our textbook (click on the picture of the textbook on the on-line syllabus). What did you learn about choosing a research question?
  2. What is Teoma?
  3. How do you know if you are looking at an appropriate version of an electronic resource?
  4. What is the difference between primary and secondary sources?
  5. What is a working bibliography?

Learning Log #3 -- --Due

On a paper that you will turn into you instructor and later add to your Writer's Journal, answer the following questions related to your Reading Assignment #2.
  1. What are the five possible functions of source material (quotes) that the reading mentions?
  2. How can you determine if a source is scholarly?
  3. What are some signs of bias you should check for in your sources?
  4. What is the difference between summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting?
  5. What is plagarism?
  6. What does APA stand for?
  7. For who was the APA style created?
  8. What tense should you use to introduce citations in the APA style?


Laurie Miller
Last Update: February 2010

Clauses and phrases rule!
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