from Your Peers
How to Find a
Book in Fenwick
Open the library webpage
at http://library.gmu.edu
Click on the word "Mason"
under the gold words "Library Catalogs" to go to the catalog for GMU
Enter "weight lifting"
in the field and choose "keyword" search
Choose the book that you
want to find in the Search Results list
Make sure the book isn't
charged and write down the
call number
author name
book title
Get the book from the
shelf using the call number
Go to the circulation
desk and check out the book using your GMU ID card.
The Process of Finding
A Periodical
Go to http://library.gmu.edu
by alphabetical
Type a word or phrase
"weight lifting" or
weight AND lifting
Choose your option: keyword, title,
or author
Choose the item from the
results list that you want to view
Note these things about
title of source
volume number and/or date of source
title of article
author name
If it has full text, click
on that link and print it out or save it to disk
If it has no full text,
check if Mason subscribes to the source by clicking on Mason Link
If Mason subscribes to
the source, look for its format:
microform comes in two formats; either
format is stored alphabetically by source name and requires a machine to
read it
microfiche (flat)
microfilm (like movie or camera film)
print/paper will be stored alphabetically
by source name in the periodical room in either:
current stacks (very popular periodical
need to be checked out from the librarians at the desk in the periodical
room) or
bound stacks