Library Research 
Step One Continuted, Using the Databases to Find <paper> Books

An important part of writing a research paper is reading about your topic.  However, finding reliable sources of information about your topic is not always an easy task. Since you are on a college campus, one obvious source of reliable information is the library.

The library system at Mason is big, with two libraries here on the Fairfax campus alone.  Each library has it's own focus on the type of material available there, but no matter which library you end up using, the process you follow to find sources is the same.

For the basic information about finding books in the Mason system, go to

You always start with the computer database system:   From there, you will follow the specific steps presented on the handout (the link in the orange box above). 

Today we will work on finding references to books about learning. You should narrow the subject area of learning down to something you are interested in, for example, learning AND robots. You will need to use the computer database to find references for books in Fenwick Library.

After you have found some references, write down the five key pieces of information for each book that you will need to find it:

          1. Author
          2. Title
          3. Call Number
          4. Location

NOTE: You can now text the call number, title & author to your mobile phone so that you don't have top write it down BUT you had better th location & status because this info is not included in the text message. To send the info to your phone, click the phone icon:

Then go find at least one of the books in the library and bring it down to the instructor who will be waiting for you in the reference room in Fenwick Library.  You will check the book out as your homework.

Bring your book to class on Thursday 10/8.


Laurie Miller
Last Update: October 1, 2009

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