Linda A. Hinnov
Professor of Geology

Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences
George Mason University

Paleozoic Dust Dynamics

This is a collaborative project to reconstruct dust dynamics for the Permo-Carboniferous Ice Age. It involves quantitative reconstruction of dust fluxes to different paleogeographic locations, including:

1. Shallow marine near-shore south Gondwana Copacobana Formation, Bolivia
2. Terrestrial loessite, north Gondwana Maroon Formation, Colorado
3. Central Panthalassa Ocean atoll Akiyoshi Limestone, Japan
4. Shallow marine near-shore north Gondwana Kapp Kare Formation, Svalbard

Funded by NSF-Standard Grants EAR 1543518, 1338331, and 1337463

Lynn Soreghan, lead PI, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
Nicholas Heavens, PI, Hampton University, Norfolk, Virginia
Linda Hinnov, PI, George Mason University

Last modified: 8-Sep-2016