Linda A. Hinnov
Professor of Geology

Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences
George Mason University

Evolution of the Climate Continuum

This study is evaluating changes in stochastic versus deterministic climate processes associated with the evolution of the Cenozoic climate system.

Funded by NSF-Standard Grants OCE-1003603 and 1003380.


Stephen R. Meyers, Lead PI, University of Wisconsin
Wasinee Aswasereelert, Ph.D. Student, University of Wisconsin
Linda Hinnov, PI, George Mason University

The participants are generating the following:

1) A new benthic marine d18O composite record for 0-36 Ma
2) A new analysis of the evolution of Milankovitch forced climate variability
3) Innovative tuning procedures to align stratigraphic position to time
4) Quantification of changes in stochastic climate variability
5) Assessment of the relative dominance of deterministic versus stochastic climate energy through the Cenozoic greenhouse-icehouse climate transition

Last modified: 8-Nov-2015