Katayoun Neshatpour

PhD student at Geroge Mason University

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Biographical Sketch

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Katayoun Neshatpour is a PhD student at the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Geroge Mason Univeristy. She is a recipient of the three-year Presidential Fellowship and a 1-year supllemental ECE department scholarship.

Her PhD research is on Hardware Acceleration of Big Data applications, with a focus on the implementation of several machine learning algorithms in Apache Hadoop using Hadoop streaming and acceleration of the map and reduce functions through hardware+software co-design. Katayoun got her Master's degree from Sharif Univerisity of Technology, where she worked on the VLSI implementation of a MIMO detector applied to the LTE. She compelted her Bachelor's degree at Isfahan University of Techonlogy with a focus on Electornics.

Research Interests

  1. Big Data Computing
  2. Digital IC Design
  3. VLSI architecture
  4. Low-power and Thermal-aware desgin
  5. MapReduce implementation of machine-learning applications