Communities: Community Ecology

EVPP 111 Lecture

Dr. Largen

Spring 2004



Figure: Lion with kill in a grassland community

Table: Interspecific Interactions

Figure: Anolis distichus (left) and Anolis insolitus (right)

Figure: Resource partitioning in a group of lizards

Figure: Character displacement: circumstantial evidence for competition in nature


Figure: Deceptive coloration: moth with "eyeballs"

Figure: Batesian mimicry

Figure: Müllerian mimicry: Cuckoo bee (left), yellow jacket (right)

Figure: snowshoe hare and lynx

Figure : Population cycles of the snowshoe hare and lynx

Figure: Testing a keystone predator hypothesis

Figure : Testing a keystone predator hypothesis

Figure: Sea otters as keystone predators in the North Pacific


Figure: The two-host life history of Plasmodium, the apicomplexan that causes malaria

Figure: The life history of a blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni

Figure: Anatomy of a tapeworm

Figure: Parasite nematode, Trichinella spiralis

Figure: Parasitic behavior: A female Nasonia vitripennis laying a clutch of eggs into the pupa of a blowfly (Phormia regina)

Figure: Mutualism: bacterial "headlights"

Figure : Mutualism between acacia trees and ants

Figure: Commensalism between a bird and mammal

Figure: Storm disturbance to coral reef communities: Heron Island Reef in Australia

Figure: Storm disturbance to coral reef communities

Figure: Routine disturbance in a grassland community

Figure: Environmental patchiness caused by small-scale disturbances: A fallen tree

Figure: Patchiness and recovery following a large-scale disturbance

Figure: Large-scale disturbance: Mount St. Helens

Figure: Forest fire


Figure: Secondary succession on land


Figure: Alders and cottonwoods covering the hillsides

Figure: Spruce coming into the alder and cottonwood forest

Figure: Spruce and hemlock forest

The end