Dr. Kim Largen

George Mason University

Instructor's Webpage

Spring 2004

EVPP 111-Section 001 - LECTURE


Note: Most recent announcement will always appear at the beginning of the list..



Date/Time Posted:


  1. IMPORTANT!! Our final exam is Monday, May 10th at 7:30am, NOT Wednesday, May 5th as indicated in the syllabus.
  2. I will NOT have office hours on Wednesday, 5/5/04, but will instead have office hour on Thursday, 5/6/04, from 1:00pm-2:00pm in KH 14.

5/2/04, 11:55am


IMPORTANT!! Our final exam is Monday, May 10th at 7:30am, NOT Wednesday, May 5th as indicated in the syllabus. I apologize for this error. The syllabus has been revised accordingly.

4/25/04, 6:55pm


Question #33 on both version of exam #1 did not provide a correct answer from which to choose. IF THIS QUESTION WAS MARKED WRONG ON YOUR SCANTRON, RETURN YOUR SCANTRON TO DR. LARGEN FOR ADJUSTMENT. If this question was marked correct, you do not need to return your scantron but be aware that there was no answer choice that properly described primary succession, answer c described secondary succession. The posted answers keys have been revised to reflect this.

2/26/04, 9:5am


IMPORTANT REMINDER!!!!!!! As previously announced in lecture and lab, effective this week YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PRINTING OUT (from the website) AND BRINGING TO LAB YOUR OWN COPY OF THE LAB HANDOUT. Copies of the lab exercise WILL NOT be provided to you this week. This change had been reflected in a revised lecture syllabus.

2/15/04, 12:15pm


Looking for extra credit opportunities? See the new link that describes your options.

2/3/04, 9:15pm



1/18/04, 10:00am