Air Quality Issues: Part 1 - Air Pollution, Indoor Air Pollution
EVPP 111 Lecture
Dr. Largen
Air Quality Issues
- Air Pollution
- Indoor Air Pollution
- Acid Deposition
- Greenhouse Gases & Global Warming
Air Quality Issues: Air Pollution
- Air quality
- degraded by
- natural events
- volcanic gases & particulates
- dust
- gases from decomposition of organic material
- activities of humans
- automobile emissions
- industrial process emissions
- air pollution
- degradation caused by human activities
- related to
- number of people
- kinds of activities
- material into the air is not disposed of
- it is diluted, moved around
- air pollution
results in
- reduced aesthetic value of scenery
- human health problems
- damage to ecosystems
- international conflicts
- damage to structures
- increased costs
- air pollution
- incidents
- Donora, PA in 1948
- pollutants from zinc plant and steel mills became trapped in valley
- temperature inversion
- formed dense fog
- within five days
- 17 people died
- 5,910 people became ill
- air pollution
- extremely poor air quality
- common in megacities of developing countries
- such as
- Mexico City, Beijing, Seoul, Cairo
- due to
- open fires
- large numbers of poorly maintained vehicles
- poorly regulated industrial plants
- air pollution
- air pollutants in US
- accumulate due to predominant west to east winds
- as air mass moves from west to east
- each population center adds pollutants to total load
- Primary air pollutants
- 5 major types of materials
- primary air pollutants
- carbon monoxide
- volatile organic compounds (VOC) (hydrocarbons)
- particulate matter
- sulfur dioxide
- nitrogen oxides
- Primary air pollutants
- interact with one another in presence of sunlight to form
- secondary air pollutants
- ozone
- other PANs (peroxyacyl nitrates)
- Primary air pollutants
- carbon monoxide (CO)
- produced when organic materials (gasoline, coal, wood) are incompletely burned
- single largest source is automobiles
- automobile CO emissions have ¯
- increased fuel efficiency
- use of catalytic converters
- emissions still a problem because of
# automobiles
# km driven
- 2nd largest source is tobacco smoke
- not a persistent pollutant
- natural processes convert it to non-harmful compounds
- combines with O in air to form CO2
- air can be cleared if no other new CO is introduced
- toxic to humans and other animals
- strongly attracted to hemoglobin in blood
- takes up CO nearly 250 times more rapidly than O2
- death can result from several hours of exposure to air containing only 0.001% of CO
- from 1970-2000
- CO levels decreased ~25%
- volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
- primarily composed of C and H
- also referred to as hydrocarbons
- produced by
- evaporation from fuel supplies
- incomplete combustion of fuels
- contribute to formation of secondary air pollutants in smog
- sources of emissions
- major
- internal combustion engine
- additional
- oil refineries and other industries
- oil based paint
- charcoal lighter fluid
- modifications to automobile engines help reduce emissions
- recycling some gases through engines
- using higher O concentrations in fuel-air mixture
- using valves to prevent escape of gases
- catalytic converters burn exhaust gases more completely
- from 1970-2000
- VOC quantities decreased ~43%
Particulate matter
minute solid particles and liquid droplets dispersed into atmosphere
grouped by particle size
<10 microns (PM10)
<2.5 microns (PM2.5)
<10 microns (PM10)
- travel on roads
- agricultural activities
- construction
- industrial processes
- smoke from fires
- desertification
- volcanoes
<2.5 microns (PM2.5) sources
mostly secondary pollutants that form in atmosphere from interactions of primary pollutants
produce variety of problems
"visual" pollution
- smoke
- obstructed views
- soot settling on surfaces
- caused by smoke
produce variety of problems
- accumulate in lungs and interfere with ability to exchange gases
- serve as deposition centers for other harmful substances
from 1970-2000
<10 microns (PM10)
from 1991-2000
<2.5 microns (PM2.5)
Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
combustion of sulfur-containing fossil fuels
react with water, other materials to form sulfur-containing acids
involved in acid deposition
affect health
- acids become attached to particles that are inhaled
- very corrosive to lung tissue
Sulfur dioxide (SO2), some incidents
- in 1306, Edward I of England, in London
- banned burning of "sea coles"
- coals from seashore high in sulfur content
- responsible for London’s poor air quality
- may be earliest environmental legislation concerning air quality
- in 1952, London killer fog
- covered for several days by dense "killer" fog
- air didn’t mix because of temperature conditions
- factories continued releasing smoke & dust
- producing "smog" (mixture of smoke and fog)
- within few weeks 4,000 people died
- deaths attributed to high level of sulfur compounds in smog
- 1000’s of others suffered from
- severe bronchial irritation, sore throats, chest pains
Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
from 1970-2000
levels have decreased ~44%
- Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
- produced
- when N & O in air react under high temperatures associated with combustion
- most common are
- nitrogen oxide (NO)
- nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
- really a secondary pollutant because it forms from interaction of NO with oxygen
- mixture of NO and NO2 is called NOx
- noteworthy because of role they play in production of
- secondary air pollutants (photochemical smog)
primary source
- automobile engine
- catalytic converters help reduce amount released
- ~ 75% of NO is converted back to nitrogen gas and oxygen gas
from 1971-2000
- NOx levels increased ~20%
- due to increased automobile traffic
- Secondary air pollutants
- compounds that result from interaction of various primary air pollutants
- photochemical smog
- mixture of pollutants resulting from interaction of nitrogen oxide with UV light (sunlight)
- two secondary air pollutants, most destructive components of photochemical smog
- ozone
- peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs)
- photochemical smog
- ozone & peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs)
- excellent oxidizing agents
- react readily with many other compounds, including those in living systems, causing destructive changes
- ozone
- destroys chlorophyll in plants
- injures lung tissue in animals
- PANs
- eye irritants
- Typical photochemical smog event
- morning traffic produces lots of NO
- NO reacts with molecular O2 from atmosphere to form NO2, gives photochemical smog its reddish-brown haze
- later in morning, NO2 reacts with UV in sunlight to form atomic O
- molecular O2 in atmosphere reacts with atomic O to form ozone
- problem varies by region due to
- climate, geography, population and activities
- Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Phoenix
- ringed by mountains
- prevailing winds from west
- cool air flows into valley, pushes warm air up, becomes trapped between two layers of cool air, creates thermal inversion
- cool air can’t move out of valley because of mountains
Air Quality Issues: Indoor Air Pollution
- Indoor air pollution
- scientific evidence indicates indoor air is more seriously polluted than outdoor air
- indoor air pollutants
- asbestos
- formaldehyde
- wood products, aerosols
- pesticide residues
- chloroform
- perchloroethylene
- dry cleaning
- paradichlorobenzene
- mothballs, air fresheners
- organisms
- disease-causing
- allergy-producing
- lead
- carbon monoxide
- radon
- source is uranium-238
- inert radioactive gas, half-life of 3.8 days
- associated with increased risk of lung cancer
- ~15,000 deaths annually attributed to radon
- forms in rocks, diffuses upwards into soil, water, atmosphere
- can enter homes through foundation
- ~10% of US homes have potential radon problem
- homes with levels >4 picocuries/liter should implement corrective actions
- risk varies by area of country
- tobacco smoke
- most important air pollutant in US in terms of human health
- estimated 350,000 die in US annually from tobacco smoke
- emphysema, heart attacks, strokes, lung cancer, other related diseases
- banning smoking would probably save more lives than any other pollution-control measure
- Indoor air pollution
- contributing factors
- people spend on average 70-90% of our time indoors
- energy-efficient buildings
- trap air pollutants
- complete air exchange every 5 hours
- older hours complete exchange occurred every hour
Air Quality Issues: Indoor Air Pollution
- Indoor air pollution
- in 1990
- EPA placed indoor air pollution at top of list of 18 sources of cancer risk
- sick buildings
- EPA states at least 1/5 of all buildings in US are "sick"
The End