Dr. Kim Largen

George Mason University

Instructor's Webpage

Spring 2004



Note: Most recent announcement will always appear at the beginning of the list..



Date/Time Posted:


IMPORTANT REMINDER!!!!!! As previously announced in lecture and lab, effective this week - YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PRINTING OUT (from the website) AND BRINGING TO LAB YOUR OWN COPY OF THE LAB EXERCISE. LAB EXERCISE HANDOUTS WILL NOT PROVIDE TO YOU THIS WEEK. This change has been reflected in a revised lecture syllabus.

2/15/04, 12:15pm


Are you having trouble getting into the site to obtain the data for the Population Pyramid lab? Try this instead: go to www.prb.org, then to "educators", then to "lesson plans", then to "pyramid building", then to "pyramid building data table teachers key".

2/3/04, 10:00pm


Looking for extra credit opportunities? See the new link that describes your options.

2/3/04, 9:15pm


Several new links have been added to the "lab homepage". "Lab Exercise Handouts" will contain a .pdf version of the lab handouts that will be distributed to students at the beginning of each lab in the coming weeks. While you are not yet required to print this out and bring it to lab, diligent students are encouraged to take advantage of this posting and read the exercise before coming to lab class. This will also serve as a source for additional copies of these exercises for students who lose the copy they were given in lab or want a fresh copy for preparing their lab write ups. . "Lab Due Dates" will list due dates for lab exercises in keeping with the "one week after completion" rule that has already been laid out in the lab syllabus. "What Should I Wear to Lab Today?" will indicate whether each lab will be conducted inside or outside.

1/24/04, 3:50pm


WELCOME TO EVPP 111 Lab! Labs begin this week - so report to your scheduled lab section. Lab manuals are not yet available for purchase so this week's lab exercise will be distributed in class.

1/19/04, 9:20pm