Life: A Tour of the Kingdoms of Life

EVPP 110 Lecture

Fall 2003

Dr. Largen

The Bacterial Kingdoms

Figure - Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (Campbell & Reece)

Kingdom Archaebacteria

Figure - Extreme halophiles (Campbell & Reece)

Figure - Hot springs, home of thermophiles (Campbell & Reece)

Figure - "Heat-loving" prokaryotes (Campbell & Reece)

Kingdom Eubacteria

Figure - The most common shapes of prokaryotes (Campbell & Reece)

Figure - Cyanobacteria: Gloeothece (top left), Nostoc (top right), Calothrix (bottom left), Fischerella (bottom right) (Campbell & Reece)

Diverse structural features help prokaryotes thrive almost everywhere

Figure - Pili (Campbell & Reece)

Figure - An anthrax endospore (Campbell & Reece)

Figure - Endospores (Campbell & Reece)

Figure - Lyme disease, a bacterial disease transmitted by ticks (Campbell & Reece)

Figure - Prokaryotes and eukaryotic cell (Campbell & Reece)

Kingdom Protista

Protists - unicellular eukaryotes and their close relatives

Protistan diversity

Protistan diversity

Figure - Giardia lamblia, a diplomonad

Figure - Trichomonas vaginalis, a parabasalid

Figure - Euglena: an example of a single–celled protist

Figure - Euglena

Figure - Trypanosoma, the kinetoplastid that causes sleeping sickness

Figure - A dinoflagellate

Figure - Dinoflagellate

Figure - Swimming with bioluminescent dinoflagellates

Figure - The two-host life history of Plasmodium, the apicomplexan that causes malaria

Figure - Ciliates: Paramecium

Figure - Ciliates: Stentor (left), Paramecium (right)

Figure - Paramecium conjugating

Figure - The life cycle of a water mold (Layer 3)

Figure - Water mold: Oogonium

Figure - Powdery mildew

Figure - Too diverse for one kingdom: a diatom, a unicellular "alga"

Figure - Diatoms: Diatom diversity (left), Pinnularia (left)

Figure - Diatom shell

Figure - A golden alga

Figure - Too diverse for one kingdom: Australian bull kelp (Durvillea potatorum)

Figure - Kelp forest

Figure - Kelp forest

Figure - Red algae: Dulse (top), Bonnemaisonia hamifera (bottom)

Figure - Colonial and multicellular chlorophytes: Volvox (left), Caulerpa (right)

Figure - Spirogyra conjugating

Figure - Plasmodial slime mold

Figure - Dictyostelium life cycle

Figure - Use of pseudopodia for feeding

Figure - Amoeba

Figure - Actinopods: Heliozoan (left), radiolarian (right)

Figure - Radiolarian skeleton

Figure - Foraminiferan

Multicellular life may have evolved from colonial protists

Kingdom Fungi

Figure - Decomposers

Figure - The common mold Rhizopus decomposing strawberries

Figure - Basidiomycetes (club fungi): Greville's bolete (top left), turkey tail (bottom left), stinkhorn (right)

Figure - Coprinus comatus, Shaggy Mane

Figure - Geastrum triplex

Figure - Tremella messenterica, Witch’s Butter

Figure - Stinkhorn

Figure - Amanita

Figure - A fairy ring

Figure - Budding yeast

Figure - Lichens

Figure - Anatomy of a lichen

Figure - Pink ear rot of corn

Kingdom Plantae

Figure - Ferns

Figure - Bryophytes

Figure - Ginkgo biloba

Figure - Douglas fir

Figure - Sequoia

Kingdom Animalia

Figure - Ochre sea stars, Pisaster ochraceus

Figure - Sponges

Figure - Jelly medusa

Figure - Cnidarians: Hydrozoans (top left), jelly (top right), sea anemone (bottom left), coral polyps (bottom right)

Figure - Purple striped jelly, Pelagia panopyra

Figure - Sea anemones

Figure - Coral polyps

Figure - A flatworm

Figure - The life history of a blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni

Figure - Anatomy of a tapeworm

Figure - A rotifer

Figure - A chiton

Figure - Garden snail

Figure - Gastropods: Nudibranchs (top left and bottom left), terrestrial snail (bottom left), deer cowrie (bottom right)

Figure - A bivalve: Scallop

Figure - Cephalopods: Squid (top left and bottom left), nautilus (top right), octopus (bottom right)

Figure - External anatomy of an earthworm

Figure - Annelids, the segmented worms: Polychaete (left), feather-duster worm (middle), leech (right)

Figure - Christmas-tree worms

Figure - Free-living nematode

Figure - External anatomy of an arthropod

Figure - Horseshoe crabs, Limulus polyphemus

Figure - Arachnids: Scorpion (left), honeybee air tube filled with parasitic mites (right)

Figure - Echinoderms: Sea star (top left), brittle star (top right), sea urchin (bottom left), sea lily
(bottom right),

Figure - A snake skeleton exhibits defining characteristic of a vertebrate

Figure -Cartilaginous fishes (class Chondrichthyes): Great white shark (top left), silky shark (top right), southern stingray (bottom left), blue spotted stingray (bottom right)

Figure - Ray-finned fishes (class Actinopterygii): yellow perch

Figure - Ray-finned fishes (class Actinopterygii): long-snouted sea horse

Figure - A coelocanth (Latimeria), the only extant lobe-finned genus

Figure - Amphibian orders: Newt (left), frog (right)

Figure - Frogs

Figure - "Dual life" of a frog (Rana temporaria)

Figure - Extant reptiles: Desert tortoise (top left), lizard (top right), king snake (bottom left), alligators (bottom right)

Figure - Emerald tree boa

Figure - A small sample of birds: Blue-footed boobies (top left), male peacock (top right), penguins (bottom left), perching bird (bottom right)

Figure - Australian monotremes and marsupials: echidna (top left), marsupial mouse (lower left), sugar glider (right)

Figure - Prosimians:Lemurs

Figure - A capuchin, a New World monkey (left), and a vervet, an Old World monkey (right)

Figure - Apes: Gibbon (top left), orangutan (top right), gorilla (bottom left), chimpanzee (bottom right)

Figure - human

The End.