PROGEN: A Knowledge-based
System for Process Model Generation, Tailoring and Reuse Principal Investigators: Larry Kerschberg Graduate Research Assistants: Rajan Girish Mohan Ghulam Ahmad Farrukh Center for Information Systems Integration and Evolution Department of Information and Software Systems Engineering George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia, 22030-4444 November 1995
This report presents the PROGEN knowledge-based system for process model generation, tailoring and reuse. The PROGEN system is based on the Knowledge-based Requirements Elicitation Tool (KBRET) within the Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Environment (KBSEE) described in a companion paper of this report. PROGEN has been completely re-engineered to take advantage of the CLIPS object-oriented language COOL. PROGEN is application-domain independent in that it can process any domain model specified according to the methods supported by the KBSEE. The KBSEE outputs a domain-dependent knowledge base, as shown in Appendix B, which serves as the initial fact base for PROGEN. PROGEN then processes the facts representing a domain model into its COOL object-oriented representation. The PROGEN user-interface has been "tailored" to deal with Spiral Model generated process models, but, in general, it may be tailored for any domain model. PROGEN is used to assist with project-specific driver selection and project-specific process model generation. PROGEN, is implemented in NASA's CLIPS shell and the CLIPS Object Oriented Language (COOL). PROGEN conducts a dialog with the human process engineer, prompting the engineer for the project-specific process information. The output of this tool is a reusable project-specific process model. PROGEN provides a knowledge-based environment required to successfully complete the generation of project-specific process model from a domain model or from an existing process model. The architecture of PROGEN separates the application domain knowledge from the control knowledge required to generate the process model. Hence PROGEN can be applied to any application domain which has been modeled using the EDLC (Evolutionary Domain Life Cycle) method. The remainder of this report is organized as follows. Section 2 presents an overview of the PROGEN architecture and the major processing steps. Section 3 focuses on the Application Domain Knowledge Base and provides examples of object-oriented specification for the major objects types of the SPM domain model: activities, drives, driver-activity relationships, driver-driver relationships, multiple views expressed in aggregation hierarchies and generalization/ specialization hierarchies. Section 4 deals with the various PROGEN control knowledge sources. Section 5 presents our conclusions, and Appendix B provides the SPM domain model as input facts for PROGEN.
PROGEN consists of two major components as depicted in Figure 1: 1) Control knowledge sources which handle the dialog and reasoning tasks associated with process model generation. 2) Application domain knowledge sources which describe a specific domain model such as the SPM domain model. The control knowledge sources consist of modules which control: 1) the user interface, 2) the domain model browser, 3) driver selection, deletion, and dependency checking, 4) process model generation and 4) process model storage, retrieval and reuse. The application domain knowledge is used by the control knowledge source in process model specification and generation. The application domain knowledge is derived from the domain model. The application domain knowledge base consists of three knowledge sources, namely, a) Driver and Activity Definitions, b) Driver/Activity Dependency View, and c) Multiple Views. Consequently, the application domain knowledge base of PROGEN contains the above mention knowledge sources, as shown in figure 1. The application domain knowledge derived from the domain model is expressed as facts, using common knowledge representation scheme as shown in Appendix B. This representation is application domain independent, so that the domain knowledge derived from any EDLC-based domain model, can be expressed in this knowledge representation scheme. Figure 1 below depicts the PROGEN architecture. Figure 2 shows the major processing steps supported by PROGEN. Figure 1: The PROGEN Architecture Step 1: Load PROGEN and SPM Domain Model E.g.: (load "PROGEN") E.g.: (load "SPM") Step 2: Select a mode of operation Browsing Phase - Step 3 Process Driver Specification/ Deletion Phase - Step 4 Target Process Model Generation Phase - Step 5 Target Process Specification Loading Phase - Step 6 Exit - Step 7 Step 3: Browsing Phase Select a process driver from the displayed list. Display explanation for the selected driver Return to Step 3 Return Step 2 Step 4: Process Driver Specification/Deletion Phase Select a process driver from the displayed list. Perform dependency check to ensure the integrity of the target system. Include/Delete driver based on the outcome of the dependency check. Return to Step 4. Return to Step 2. Step 5: Target Process Model Generation Phase Ensure Target Process Model Generation consistency constraints satisfied. Assemble Target Process Model. Display Target Process Drivers, Target Process Model Leaf Level Activity Types, Target Process Model Aggregate and Leaf Activity Types. Save Target Process Model. Return to Step 2 Step 6: Target Process Specification Loading Phase Request filename for saved Target Process Model specification. Ensure syntactic and semantic file format. Load Target Process Model specification. Rebuild Target Process Model specification. Return to Step 2 Step 7: Exit Phase Save target process model specification. Quit PROGEN Figure 2: Major Processing Steps in Generating a Project-Specific Process Model
The format for the PROGEN fact that represents the domain object types and their properties is given below: (Activity: id name properties) where id is the activity identification number name is the activity name, and properties is a list of properties describing the role of the activity within the domain model. The properties can be kernel or optional, simple or aggregate, agh_root or gsh_root, and variant. For example: Figure 3: Example of a PROGEN Activity fact,
The format for the PROGEN fact that represent the domain driver types is given below: (Driver: id name) where id is the driver identification number and name is the driver name. For example: Figure 4: Example of a PROGEN Driver fact,
For each domain driver, there is short annotation which briefly explains the driver's role in the domain model. The annotation is also expressed as a PROGEN fact, which is of the form shown below: ( driver-explanation id name annotation) where id is the driver identification number, name is the driver name, and annotation is the description of the driver. For example: Figure 5: Example of a PROGEN Driver-explanation
fact, The name of the domain is also contained in the Driver and Activity Definition Knowledge sources. This is expressed a PROGEN fact in the form given below. (Name-of-domain name) where name corresponds to the name of the domain model.
The various relationships among drivers and between drivers and activities types are captured in the Driver/Activity Dependency View. The driver-driver dependencies supported include a) requires b)set-of-exactly-one-of c) set-of-atmost-one-of and d) set-of-atleast-one-of. The Driver/Activity dependency is captured by the supported-by dependency which indicates the activity types that are required to support a driver. The format for the PROGEN fact that captures the prerequisite relationship between features is given below: (PROGEN name1 Driver id1 requires name2 Driver id2) where name1 and id1 correspond to the name and identifies of the driver that requires the presence of another driver whose name and identifier correspond to the term name2 and id2. The following example shows a case of the "requires" driver-driver dependency:
The format of the PROGEN fact that represents the "supported-by" relationship is shown below: (d-name Driver dr-id supported-by ac-id a-name properties) where d-name and dr-id correspond to the name and identifier of the driver which is supported by the activity type with identifier ac-id, name a-name, and properties given by the properties term. The following example shows the supported-by dependency
between drivers and activities:
The format of the PROGEN fact that represents the "Set-of-exactly-one-of" relationship is shown below (Set-of-exactly-one-of: id name Driver-ids: list-of-driver-ids) where the terms id and name are the identifier and name of the exactly-one-of driver set and the list-of-driver-ids contains the list of identifiers for the drivers that are members of this set. The format of the PROGEN fact that represents the "Set-of-atleast-one-of" relationship is shown below (Set-of-atleast-one-of: id name Driver-ids: list-of-driver-ids) where the terms id and name are the identifier and name of the atleast-one-of driver set and the list-of-driver-ids contains the list of identifiers for the drivers that are members of this set. The format of the PROGEN fact that represents the "Set-of-atmost-one-of" relationship is shown below (Set-of-atmost-one-of: id name Driver-ids: list-of-driver-ids) where the terms id and name are the identifier and name of the atmost-one-of driver set and the list-of-driver-ids contains the list of identifiers for the drivers that are members of this set.
The multiple views knowledge source contains the different views created using the EDLC method, in particular, the aggregation hierarchy and the generalization/specialization hierarchies. The aggregation hierarchy is expressed using the "is-part-of" key word and generalization/specialization hierarchy is expressed using the "is-a" keyword. The format for the PROGEN fact that expresses the "is-part-of" relationship between activity types in the aggregation hierarchy is as follows: (is-part-of id1 name1 id2 name2 ) where the terms id1 and name1 correspond to the identifier and name of the parent activity type and terms id2 and name2 correspond to the identifier and name of the child activity type. For example: The format for the PROGEN fact that expresses the "is-part-of" relationship between activity types in the aggregation hierarchy is as follows: (is-part-of id1 name1 id2 name2 ) where the terms id1 and name1 correspond to the identifier and name of the supertype and terms id2 and name2 correspond to the identifier and name of the subtype. For example:
Once a project-specific process model has been generated, the specification is stored for subsequent retrieval and reuse. The information stored include the domain name, the process model name and the drivers selected. On retrieval, the process model is reconstructed and is ready for modification.
As shown in figure 1, the domain independent knowledge base is composed of the following knowledge sources: a) User interface Manager, b) Domain Model Browser, c) Driver Selection/Deletion Handler, d) Project-Specific Process Model Generator, and e) Project-Specific Process Model Storage, Retrieval and Reuse Module. These knowledge sources incorporate control knowledge required to support the various activities necessary to generate the project-specific process model from an EDLC based domain model. This control knowledge is expressed as rules in each of these knowledge sources. Note that the control knowledge is independent of the application domain; hence these knowledge sources can be applied to domain models of any application, assuming the domain models are created using the EDLC method.
The User Interface Manager knowledge source initializes the system and carries out a session with the process engineer. It also provides mechanisms for invoking the different phases of the project-specific process model generation. The User Interface Manager is implemented as a set of production rules. The current version has a dialog-based user interface. In order to facilitate the process model generation, the User Interface Manager provides a menu, as shown in Figure 6. The user can select any activity by entering the corresponding choices. The User Interface Manager contains rules to translate these choices and fires the appropriate rules to perform the desired action. The following actions are currently supported. (a) Browse the Domain Model: When the user makes this choice, the user interface responds by firing appropriate rules to invoke the browsing phase. Once, the browsing phase is initiated, the Domain Model Browser knowledge source takes control. The domain browser also provides a mechanism for ending the browsing phase. (b) Driver Selection/Deletion: The user may enter this phase after browsing the domain model. The user may also bypass the browsing phase and move directly to driver selection/deletion phase. The User Interface Manager initiates the driver selection phase by firing appropriate rules. *************************************************** * * Knowledge Based Process Model Generation Tool PROGEN * * *************************************************** Requirement Elicitation for spiral:spiral_dm You may browse the drivers incorporated in the spiral:spiral_dm domain model, or Specify the drivers for the Project, or Start the Project-Specific Process Model generation or quit PROGEN . Choices Perform ******* ******* 1 Browse the Domain Model 2 Specify Drivers for the Project 3 Initiate Project-Specific Process Model Generation Phase 4 Load a Project-Specific Process Model e Quit PROGEN Please type your choice and press return: 1 Figure 6: Main Menu The Driver Selection/Deletion Handler knowledge source receives control and facilitates the driver selection/deletion process by working closely with the Dependency checker knowledge source to ensure consistency. The Driver Selection/Deletion Handler provides the mechanism to end the driver selection phase. (c) Project-Specific Process Model Generation: Once the desired drivers for a project have been selected, the user can initiate the process model generation phase by making the corresponding choice. Once a consistent process model has been generated by the process-specific process model generation knowledge source, control is transferred to the User Interface Manager Knowledge source. (d) Project-Specific Process Model retrieval: In order to reuse a previously generated process model, the load feature is added to PROGEN. The user can specify a filename, which PROGEN verifies for syntactic correctness. The drivers consistent with the named process model are displayed to the process engineer for approval. After approval, the original state of the retrieved process model is restored. The process engineer may proceed to add or delete drivers to suit the particular project at hand. (e) Quit PROGEN: By making this choice, the user can end the session with PROGEN.
The Domain Model Browser knowledge source provides the mechanisms for browsing the domain model. It incorporates rules for facilitating and terminating the browsing phase, and also for accessing the appropriate facts of the SPM domain model to browse those parts of the domain model the process engineer wishes to explore. The Domain Browser presents the domain model drivers in a list and the user can select the driver number to explore further. Figure 7 shows the explanation for Driver 1: CMM level 2. Driver Viewing ************* 1 CMM level 2 2 Complex system interfaces 3 Design method need 4 Design method training need 5 Evolutionary development 6 Existing hardware/software constraint 7 Incremental development 8 Integrated software management KPA 9 Intergroup coordination KPA 10 Lack of development method 11 Maintenance/support requirements 12 Need for CASE tool 13 Need for project level prototyping 14 Operational life cycle 15 Peer reviews KPA 16 Performance requirements 17 Phasing 18 Real time system 19 Requirements management KPA 20 Reuse library exists 21 Software configuration management KPA 22 Software product engineering KPA 23 Software project planning KPA 24 Software quality assurance KPA 25 Software subcontract management KPA 26 Software tracking and oversight KPA 27 Spiral process 28 Throw away prototyping 29 Training program KPA e EXIT Enter your selection:1 Driver 1 is CMM level 2 Explanation: This process driver package addresses the
CMM level 2 KPAs. Enter c to continue (c): c Figure 7: Browsing Phase When the user selects a driver, the Domain Model Browser retrieves the annotation for that driver from the Driver and Activity Definitions knowledge source. After browsing the domain model, the process engineer may initiate the driver selection process for the specific project.
The Driver Selection/Deletion Handler knowledge source is responsible for the "driver-elicitation" processing in which the process engineer specifies the relevant drivers in the project. It incorporates rules for managing the selection and deletion of drivers. During the driver-elicitation process, the SPM domain model drivers are presented to the user in the form of list. To select a driver, the user simply enters a driver number of his choice. During the driver selection, if the user indicates that a particular driver is desired, the Driver Selection/Deletion Handler requests that the Dependency Checker knowledge source to verify and enforce the inter-driver dependencies. After performing the dependency checking, the Dependency Checker indicates that the driver has been selected successfully and also compiles a list of both explicitly-selected and implicitly-selected drivers. Implicitly-selected drivers are those which are included in the selection because they are "required" by some other explicitly-selected driver. The dependency checker also verifies whether any drivers may be prevented from selection (through set-of-exactly-one-of, set-of-atmost-one-of constraints) due to the currently selected drivers and provides a list indicating this. The entire selection operation is treated as one atomic operation. All related facts asserted during the selection process are appended with a unique transaction identification number dedicated for the particular operation performed. Each operation is conceptually represented as a tree with the explicitly selected driver as the root. The children of a node in the tree consists of drivers that are "required" by the parent. The user is only allowed to select from a listed drivers that are available for selection, and hence, is assured of a successful selection. After the successful addition of the desired driver, control is transferred to the Driver-Selection/Deletion Handler. The Driver Selection/Deletion Handler keeps track of drivers that can be selected and drivers that cannot be selected during the driver selection process. The user may return to the previous menu by exiting from the selection phase. If one or more drivers were selected, the user is now presented with a "Delete" option as well. If this option is selected, the user is presented with only those drivers that were selected explicitly. If a driver is to be deleted, the Dependency Checker is called upon to perform the inter-driver dependency checking. The Dependency Checker determines the transaction number which caused the driver to be selected, and methodically removes all facts that were asserted in order to select the driver. This process also ensures that the status of related drivers (if any) is updated to indicate the change. The result is a list of drivers that were selected explicitly with no trace of the deleted driver or its (if any) implicitly-selected "required" drivers. Driver Specification Phase ************************** ----------------------------------------- Driver # | Driver ----------------------------------------- 1 CMM level 2 2 Complex system interfaces 3 Design method need 4 Design method training need 5 Evolutionary development 6 Existing hardware/software constraint 7 Incremental development 8 Integrated software management KPA 9 Intergroup coordination KPA 10 Lack of development method 11 Maintenance/support requirements 12 Need for CASE tool 13 Need for project level prototyping 14 Operational life cycle 15 Peer reviews KPA 16 Performance requirements 17 Phasing 18 Real time system 19 Requirements management KPA 20 Reuse library exists 21 Software configuration management KPA 22 Software product engineering KPA 23 Software project planning KPA 24 Software quality assurance KPA 25 Software subcontract management KPA 26 Software tracking and oversight KPA 27 Spiral process 28 Throw away prototyping 29 Training program KPA e EXIT Enter your selection:1 Please wait. Checking Dependencies .... Driver: 1 CMM level 2 REQUIRES Driver: 26 Software tracking and oversight KPA Driver: 26 can be selected Driver: 1 CMM level 2 REQUIRES Driver: 25 Software subcontract management KPA Driver: 25 can be selected Driver: 1 CMM level 2 REQUIRES Driver: 24 Software quality assurance KPA Driver: 24 can be selected Driver: 1 CMM level 2 REQUIRES Driver: 23 Software project planning KPA Driver: 23 can be selected Driver: 1 CMM level 2 REQUIRES Driver: 21 Software configuration management KPA Driver: 21 can be selected Driver: 1 CMM level 2 REQUIRES Driver: 19 Requirements management KPA Driver: 19 can be selected ...Dependency Check - complete Driver 1: CMM level 2 has been selected successfully. Figure 8: Driver Selection Phase
The Dependency Checker knowledge source is tightly-coupled with the Driver Selection/Deletion Handler knowledge source in supporting driver selection and deletion. It enforces the inter-driver dependencies. The Driver/Activity dependency checking is deferred until process model generation. The inter-driver dependencies are obtained from the Driver/ Driver Relationships knowledge source which is shown in figure 1. The Dependency Checker knowledge source contains rules that implement the dependency checking algorithms for driver selection and driver deletion.
As mentioned in the previous section each operation is represented by a tree in a forest of operations. Before a driver can be selected for the project, one has to ensure that if the driver "requires" other drivers, and whether those drivers are already selected. As drivers that cannot be selected successfully are not available to the user for selection, the selection is ensured to be successful. The user need not proceed on a trial-and-error basis. The dependency checking algorithm for the driver selection employs a depth-first-strategy in traversing the driver tree. An example of driver graphs are shown in figure 9 below.
The branches between the nodes indicate the "requires" relationship. The root of the tree corresponds to the explicitly-selected driver whereas the other nodes indicate the drivers that were included implicitly. The algorithm begins by gathering the successors of the node to be selected and their successors in turn, repeatedly in a depth-first order. Starting from the leaves, the algorithm first checks whether the node is prevented from being selected by virtue of some previous selection operation. If so, then the operation is aborted. If not, then the algorithm continues to ensure exactly-one-of and atmost-one-of constraints are satisfied. This process repeated for all elements in the successor list until the root node is selected.
The Driver Deletion operation is handled easily because of the unique transaction id and the associated data structure. The user is presented with only those drivers that were selected explicitly. Hence, the user can only delete drivers that occur at the root of some tree in the forest of selections. The Driver Selection/Deletion Handler passes the identification number of the driver to be deleted to the Dependency Checker. The Dependency Checker traces out the tree with the specified driver occurring at the root and removes all facts related to that selection operation. It also updates the status of both the explicitly-selected and implicitly-selected features. For example Figure 9 shows a forest consisting of two selection operations: Select A and Select B. If the user requests B to be deleted, the Dependency Checker would simply delete all traces of the tree with B at the root. However, B would still exist in the forest as it was "required" by some other driver, namely A.
Assembling the spiral_cmm Project-Specific Process Model. Please Wait....... To view the components of the spiral_cmm Project-Specific Process Model, Please select one of the following choices: Choices Perform ******* ******* 1 View the selected Project-Specific Process Model Drivers 2 View Project-Specific Process Model leaf level Activity types 3 View Project-Specific Process Model aggregate and leaf level Activity types 4 Change Driver Selection for Project-Specific Process Model 5 Save Project-Specific Process Model e End viewing spiral_cmm Project-Specific Process Model
components and Quit PROGEN Please type your selection and press return: 1 This section describes the Project-Specific Process Model
Generator knowledge source which assembles and generates the process model
by tailoring the SPM domain model. The process engineer is queried for a
process model name and a project-specific process model is generated under
the specified name. The following figure shows a process model generated
under the name spiral_cmm. Figure 10: Process Model Generation Phase Figure 10 Shows the menu of choices presented to the user
after the process model is assembled. Choice 1 provides a list of all (explicitly
and implicitly) selected drivers. Figure 11 shows the result of the selection
of drivers CMM level 2, Requirements management KPA, Software configuration
management KPA, Software project planning KPA, Software quality assurance
KPA, Software subcontract management KPA, and Software tracking and oversight
KPA. The Driver selected thus far ***************************** CMM level 2 Requirements management KPA * Software configuration management KPA * Software project planning KPA * Software quality assurance KPA * Software subcontract management KPA * Software tracking and oversight KPA * Figure 11: List of drivers selected (*- indicates implicitly-selected drivers). Choice 2 provides a list of all leaf level activities arranged in alphabetical order, as shown in Figure 12. Architectural_Design_KS (kernel) Critical_Computer_Resources_Estimation_OS(optional) Critical_Computer_Resources_Review_OS(optional) Definition_of_Project_Commitments_OS(optional) Detailed_Design_KS (kernel) Establishing_CM_Library_OS(optional) Identification_of_SCM_Work_Products_OS(optional) Integration_Testing_KS (kernel) Life_Cycle_Selection_OS(optional) Planning_Project_Facilities_and_Support_Tools_OS(optional) Planning_Subcontract_Management_OS(optional) Preparing_SCM_Plan_OS(optional) Preparing_SQA_Plan_OS(optional) Project_Commitments_Review_OS(optional) Project_Progress_Review_OS(optional) Requirements_Analysis_and_Specification_KS (kernel) Reviewing_Technical_Product_KS (kernel) SQA_Audit_of_Work_Products_OS(optional) SW_Effort_and_Cost_Review_OS(optional) Software_Cost_Estimation_OS(optional) Software_Development_Planning_KS (kernel) Software_Requirements_Review_OS(optional) Software_Schedule_Planning_OS(optional) Software_Schedules_Review_OS(optional) Software_Size_Estimation_OS(optional) System_and_Acceptance_Testing_KS (kernel) Tracking_Subcontract_Progress_OS(optional) Unit_Coding_KS (kernel) Unit_Testing_KS (kernel) Work_Product_Size_Review_OS(optional) Figure 12: List of all leaf level activities - for Drivers CMM Level 2 & 3 Choice 3 shows the Aggregation Hierarchy of the Project-Specific Process Model as depicted in Figure 13. Spiral_Life_Cycle_Domain_KA (kernel aggregate agh_root) Spiral_Planning_OA (optional aggregate) Reviewing_Progress_OA (optional aggregate) Work_Product_Size_Review_OS (optional) Tracking_Subcontract_Progress_OS (optional) Software_Schedules_Review_OS (optional) SW_Effort_and_Cost_Review_OS (optional) SQA_Audit_of_Work_Products_OS (optional) Project_Progress_Review_OS (optional) Project_Commitments_Review_OS (optional) Critical_Computer_Resources_Review_OS (optional) Developing_Product_KA (kernel aggregate) Reviewing_Technical_Product_KS (kernel) Developing_and_Verifying_Product_KA (kernel aggregate) System_Testing_Cycle_KA (kernel aggregate) System_and_Acceptance_Testing_KS (kernel) Requirements_Analysis_and_Specification_Cycle_KA (kernel aggregate) Software_Requirements_Review_OS (optional) Requirements_Analysis_and_Specification_KS (kernel) Project_Planning_Cycle_KA (kernel aggregate) Software_Development_Planning_KS (kernel) Planning_Subcontract_Management_OS (optional) Management_Planning_OA (optional aggregate) Software_Size_Estimation_OS (optional) Software_Schedule_Planning_OS (optional) Software_Cost_Estimation_OS (optional) Preparing_SQA_Plan_OS (optional) Preparing_SCM_Plan_OS (optional) Planning_Project_Facilities_and_Support_Tools_OS (optional) Life_Cycle_Selection_OS (optional) Identification_of_SCM_Work_Products_OS (optional) Establishing_CM_Library_OS (optional) Definition_of_Project_Commitments_OS (optional) Critical_Computer_Resources_Estimation_OS (optional) Preliminary_Design_Cycle_KA (kernel aggregate) Architectural_Design_KS (kernel) Construction_and_Test_Cycle_KA (kernel aggregate) Unit_Testing_KS (kernel) Unit_Coding_KS (kernel) Integration_Testing_KS (kernel) Detailed_Design_KS (kernel) Figure 13: Project-Specific Process Model for Selected Drivers Choice 4 returns the user to the main menu where the domain model can be tailored further. Choice 5 provides the user with the facility to provide a filename and save the Process Model Specification. Once driver selection has been completed, the Process Model
Generator knowledge source begins the process of assembling the process
model. It consists of rules for tailoring the domain model to generate the
process model. Before assembling the target system, it checks if the exactly-one-of
and atleast-one-of constraints are satisfied. The project-specific process model (PSPM) generated by this knowledge source consists of: 1. PSPM_DRIVERS_SET which contains the features supported by the target system, 2. PSPM_LEAF_ACTIVITIES which contains the leaf level activity types that make up the target system, 3. PSPM_AGGR. which contains the target system aggregation hierarchy, and 4. PSPM_GEN_SPEC which contains the tailored versions of the generalization/ specialization hierarchies for the target system. The Project-Specific Process Model Generator knowledge source contains rules to display the process model. The Drivers and leaf level objects are presented to the user in separate lists. The Process Model is displayed to the user in an indented form to show the different levels of the hierarchy. This knowledge source also includes rules to save the process model specification for later retrieval.
The Project-Specific Process Model Storage, Retrieval and Reuse Module knowledge source contains rules to store the process model specification for later reuse. You may browse the drivers incorporated in the spiral:spiral_dm domain model, or Specify the drivers for the Project, or Start the Project Specific Process Model generation or quit PROGEN . Choices Perform ******* ******* 1 Browse the Domain Model 2 Specify Drivers for the Project 3 Initiate Project Specific Process Model Generation Phase 4 Load a Project Specific Process Model e Quit PROGEN Please type your choice and press return: 4 Please enter the filename of the Project Specific Process Model or Enter c to cancel:spiral.cmm Loading Specified Project Specific Process Model......
File Name : spiral.cmm Project Specific Process Model Name : CMM Process Drivers Selected : 1 1 CMM level 2 Package If this is the correct file, enter c to continue, or enter e to return to main menu :c ...... loading complete Figure 14: Process Model Retrieval Phase The user specifies the name of a process model specification
file. The Retrieval module retrieves the file and display the contents for
the user to verify. Once the user confirms that the file is the required
one, it is loaded with assistance from the Driver Selection/Deletion Handler.
The user in now free to make any modification necessary for the particular
project at hand.
This report has described the PROGEN knowledge-based system for process model generation, tailoring and reuse. The PROGEN system is based on the Knowledge-based Requirements Elicitation Tool (KBRET) within the Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Environment (KBSEE). It has been completely re-engineered to take advantage of the CLIPS object-oriented language COOL. PROGEN is application-domain independent in that it can process any domain model specified according to the methods supported by the KBSEE. The KBSEE outputs a domain-dependent knowledge base, which serves as the initial fact base for PROGEN, as shown in the Section 8 Appendix. PROGEN then processes the facts representing a domain model into its COOL object-oriented representation. The PROGEN user-interface has been tailored to deal with SPM-generated process models, but, in general, it may be tailored for any domain model.
The domain modeling research and development of the Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Environment was sponsored in part by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the Virginia Center of Innovative Technology. The Software Through Pictures CASE tool was donated to GMU by Interactive Development Environments. We gratefully acknowledge the continuing support of the Northrop/Grumman Corporation as an Industrial Partner of the Center for Information Systems Integration and Evolution (CISIE). Portions of the research were sponsored by an ARPA grant, administered by the Office of Naval Research under grant number N0001492J4038. The application of the domain modeling technology to process modeling was sponsored by the Virginia Center of Excellence in Software Reuse and the Software Productivity Consortium. We also gratefully acknowledge the Consortium for providing us with information on the Spiral Model. The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of C. Bosch, E. O'Hara-Schettino, V. Sugumaran, and I. Tavakoli, in developing the prototype Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Environment. The PROGEN implementation was done by G. R. Mohan, based on the KBRET specification and implementation of V. Sugumaran's doctoral dissertation.
[Boehm 88] Boehm B., "A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement," IEEE Computer, May 1988. [Boehm 89] Boehm B. and F. Belz, "Experiences with the Spiral Model as a Process Model Generator," Proc. 5th International Software Process Workshop, 1989. [CMM 93] Paulk M.C., B. Curtis, M.B. Chrissis, C.V. Weber, "Capability Maturity Model for Software," Version 1.1, CMU/SEI-93-TR-24, ESC-TR-93-177, Software Engineering Institute, CMU, Pittsburgh, PA, February 1993. [Gomaa 89] Gomaa H, R Fairley and L Kerschberg, "Towards an Evolutionary Domain Life Cycle Model," Proc. Workshop on Domain Modeling for Software Engineering, OOPSLA'89, New Orleans, October 1989. [Gomaa 91a] Gomaa H and L Kerschberg, "An Evolutionary Domain Life Cycle Model for Domain Modeling and Target System Generation," Proc. Workshop on Domain Modeling for Software Engineering, International Conference on Software Engineering, Austin, May 1991. [Gomaa 91b] Gomaa H, L. Kerschberg, C. Bosch, V. Sugumaran, I Tavakoli, "A Prototype Software Engineering Environment for Domain Modeling and Reuse," Proc Fourth Annual Workshop on Software Reuse, Herndon, VA, November 1991. [Gomaa 92] Gomaa H, L. Kerschberg, V. Sugumaran, "A Knowledge-Based Approach for Generating Target System Specifications from a Domain Model," Proc. IFIP World Computer Congress, Madrid, Spain, September 1992. [Gomaa 93] Gomaa H, "A Reuse-Oriented Approach for Structuring and Configuring Distributed Applications," Software Engineering Journal, March 1993. [Gomaa 94] Gomaa H, L. Kerschberg, C. Bosch, V. Sugumaran, I Tavakoli, "A Prototype Domain Modeling Environment for Reusable Software Architectures". Proc IEEE International Conference on Software Reuse, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 1994. [Gomaa 95] Gomaa H and L Kerschberg, "Domain Modeling for Software Reuse and Evolution," Proc. Seventh International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering, Toronto, Canada, July 1995.
( deffacts domain_model_facts " " ( name-of-domain spiral:spiral_dm) ( Activity: 1 Ada_Based_Design_Method_Selection optional variant ) ( Activity: 2 Analyzing_Defect_Data_OS optional ) ( Activity: 3 Analyzing_Risks_OA optional aggregate ) ( Activity: 4 Architectural_Design_KS kernel ) ( Activity: 5 Architectural_Design_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 6 Code_Unit_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 7 Commitment_To_Planning_OS optional ) ( Activity: 8 Construction_and_Test_Cycle_KA kernel aggregate ) ( Activity: 9 Critical_Computer_Resources_Estimation_OS optional ) ( Activity: 10 Critical_Computer_Resources_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 11 Defining_Approach_OS optional ) ( Activity: 12 Defining_Objectives_Alternatives_and_Constraints_OA optional aggregate ) ( Activity: 13 Definition_of_Project_Commitments_OS optional ) ( Activity: 14 Design_Method_Training_OS optional ) ( Activity: 15 Design_Performance_Analysis_OS optional ) ( Activity: 16 Design_Prototyping_OS optional ) ( Activity: 17 Detailed_Design_KS kernel ) ( Activity: 18 Detailed_Design_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 19 Developing_Product_KA kernel aggregate ) ( Activity: 20 Developing_Training_Plan_OS optional ) ( Activity: 21 Developing_and_Updating_EoS_OS optional ) ( Activity: 22 Developing_and_Verifying_Product_KA kernel aggregate ) ( Activity: 23 Distributed_Design_Method_Selection optional variant ) ( Activity: 24 Establishing_CM_Library_OS optional ) ( Activity: 25 Identification_of_SCM_Work_Products_OS optional ) ( Activity: 26 Integrated_Software_Management_Planning_OA optional aggregate ) ( Activity: 27 Integration_Testing_KS kernel ) ( Activity: 28 Integration_Testing_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 29 Life_Cycle_Selection_OS optional ) ( Activity: 30 Local_Design_Tailoring_OS optional ) ( Activity: 31 Management_Planning_OA optional aggregate ) ( Activity: 32 Monitoring_and_Reviewing_OA optional aggregate ) ( Activity: 33 Monitoring_and_Reviewing_Product_OS optional ) ( Activity: 34 Object_Oriented_Design_Method_Selection optional variant ) ( Activity: 35 Performance_Testing_OS optional ) ( Activity: 36 Performance_Testing_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 37 Performing_Risk_Analysis_OS optional ) ( Activity: 38 Planning_Peer_Review_Management_OS optional ) ( Activity: 39 Planning_Project_Facilities_and_Support_Tools_OS optional ) ( Activity: 40 Planning_Risk_Aversion_Strategy_OS optional ) ( Activity: 41 Planning_Subcontract_Management_OS optional ) ( Activity: 42 Planning_for_Architectural_Design_Cycle_OS optional ) ( Activity: 43 Planning_for_Construction_and_Test_Cycle_OS optional ) ( Activity: 44 Planning_for_Evolutionary_Development_OS optional ) ( Activity: 45 Planning_for_Incremental_Development_OS optional ) ( Activity: 46 Planning_for_Requirements_Cycle_OS optional ) ( Activity: 47 Planning_for_System_Testing_Cycle_OS optional ) ( Activity: 48 Planning_to_Identify_Critical_Engineering_Dependencies_OS optional ) ( Activity: 49 Planning_to_Manage_Cost_and_Effort_OS optional ) ( Activity: 50 Planning_to_Manage_Critical_Computer_Resources_OS optional ) ( Activity: 51 Planning_to_Manage_Critical_Paths_and_Dependencies_OS optional ) ( Activity: 52 Planning_to_Manage_Size_of_Work_Products_OS optional ) ( Activity: 53 Preliminary_Design_Cycle_KA kernel aggregate ) ( Activity: 54 Preparation_of_Enhanced_Documentation_OS optional ) ( Activity: 55 Preparing_SCM_Plan_OS optional ) ( Activity: 56 Preparing_SQA_Plan_OS optional ) ( Activity: 57 Product_Change_Control_OS optional ) ( Activity: 58 Project_Commitments_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 59 Project_Level_Prototyping_OS optional ) ( Activity: 60 Project_Plan_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 61 Project_Planning_Cycle_KA kernel aggregate ) ( Activity: 62 Project_Progress_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 63 Project_Risks_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 64 Real_Time_Design_Method_Selection optional variant ) ( Activity: 65 Requirements_Analysis_and_Specification_Cycle_KA kernel aggregate ) ( Activity: 66 Requirements_Analysis_and_Specification_KS kernel ) ( Activity: 67 Requirements_Prototyping_OS optional ) ( Activity: 68 Requirements_Specification_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 69 Resolving_Risks_OS optional ) ( Activity: 70 Reviewing_Context_OS optional ) ( Activity: 71 Reviewing_Progress_OA optional aggregate ) ( Activity: 72 Reviewing_Risk_Analysis_OS optional ) ( Activity: 73 Reviewing_Technical_Product_KS kernel ) ( Activity: 74 Revising_Training_Plan_OS optional ) ( Activity: 75 SQA_Audit_of_Work_Products_OS optional ) ( Activity: 76 SW_Effort_and_Cost_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 77 Scheduling_and_Planning_OS optional ) ( Activity: 78 Select_or_Adapt_Reusable_Components_OS optional ) ( Activity: 79 Selection_of_CASE_Tool_OS optional ) ( Activity: 80 Selection_of_Design_Method_OVS optional gsh_root ) ( Activity: 81 Selection_of_Development_Method_OS optional ) ( Activity: 82 Software_Cost_Estimation_OS optional ) ( Activity: 83 Software_Development_Planning_KS kernel ) ( Activity: 84 Software_Requirements_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 85 Software_Schedule_Planning_OS optional ) ( Activity: 86 Software_Schedules_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 87 Software_Size_Estimation_OS optional ) ( Activity: 88 Spiral_Life_Cycle_Domain_KA kernel aggregate agh_root ) ( Activity: 89 Spiral_Planning_OA optional aggregate ) ( Activity: 90 System_Testing_Cycle_KA kernel aggregate ) ( Activity: 91 System_and_Acceptance_Testing_KS kernel ) ( Activity: 92 System_and_Acceptance_Testing_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 93 Technical_Planning_OA optional aggregate ) ( Activity: 94 Tracking_Critical_Engineering_Dependencies_OS optional ) ( Activity: 95 Tracking_Peer_Reviews_OS optional ) ( Activity: 96 Tracking_Subcontract_Progress_OS optional ) ( Activity: 97 Unit_Coding_KS kernel ) ( Activity: 98 Unit_Testing_KS kernel ) ( Activity: 99 Unit_Testing_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( Activity: 100 Updating_Spiral_Planning_Documents_OA optional aggregate ) ( Activity: 101 Work_Product_Size_Review_OS optional ) ( Driver: 1 CMM level 2 ) ( Driver: 2 CMM level 3 ) ( Driver: 3 Complex system interfaces ) ( Driver: 4 Design method need ) ( Driver: 5 Design method training need ) ( Driver: 6 Evolutionary development ) ( Driver: 7 Existing hardware/software constraint ) ( Driver: 8 Incremental development ) ( Driver: 9 Integrated software management KPA ) ( Driver: 10 Intergroup coordination KPA ) ( Driver: 11 Lack of development method ) ( Driver: 12 Maintenance/support requirements ) ( Driver: 13 Need for CASE tool ) ( Driver: 14 Need for project level prototyping ) ( Driver: 15 Operational life cycle ) ( Driver: 16 Peer reviews KPA ) ( Driver: 17 Performance requirements ) ( Driver: 18 Phasing ) ( Driver: 19 Real time system ) ( Driver: 20 Requirements management KPA ) ( Driver: 21 Reuse library exists ) ( Driver: 22 Software configuration management KPA ) ( Driver: 23 Software product engineering KPA ) ( Driver: 24 Software project planning KPA ) ( Driver: 25 Software quality assurance KPA ) ( Driver: 26 Software subcontract management KPA ) ( Driver: 27 Software tracking and oversight KPA ) ( Driver: 28 Spiral process ) ( Driver: 29 Throw away prototyping ) ( Driver: 30 Training program KPA ) ( PROGEN CMM level 2 Driver 1 requires Requirements management KPA Driver 20 ) ( PROGEN CMM level 2 Driver 1 requires Software configuration management KPA Driver 22 ) ( PROGEN CMM level 2 Driver 1 requires Software project planning KPA Driver 24 ) ( PROGEN CMM level 2 Driver 1 requires Software quality assurance KPA Driver 25 ) ( PROGEN CMM level 2 Driver 1 requires Software subcontract management KPA Driver 26 ) ( PROGEN CMM level 2 Driver 1 requires Software tracking and oversight KPA Driver 27 ) ( PROGEN CMM level 3 Driver 2 requires CMM level 2 Driver 1 ) ( PROGEN CMM level 3 Driver 2 requires Integrated software management KPA Driver 9 ) ( PROGEN CMM level 3 Driver 2 requires Intergroup coordination KPA Driver 10 ) ( PROGEN CMM level 3 Driver 2 requires Peer reviews KPA Driver 16 ) ( PROGEN CMM level 3 Driver 2 requires Software product engineering KPA Driver 23 ) ( PROGEN CMM level 3 Driver 2 requires Training program KPA Driver 30 ) ( PROGEN Design method need Driver 4 requires Design method training need Driver 5 ) ( PROGEN Lack of development method Driver 11 requires Design method need Driver 4 ) ( PROGEN Real time system Driver 19 requires Performance
requirements Driver 17 ) ( PROGEN Complex system interfaces Driver 3 supported-by 16 Design_Prototyping_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Design method need Driver 4 supported-by 80 Selection_of_Design_Method_OVS optional gsh_root ) ( PROGEN Design method training need Driver 5 supported-by 14 Design_Method_Training_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Evolutionary development Driver 6 supported-by 34 Object_Oriented_Design_Method_Selection optional variant ) ( PROGEN Evolutionary development Driver 6 supported-by 44 Planning_for_Evolutionary_Development_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Evolutionary development Driver 6 supported-by 67 Requirements_Prototyping_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Existing hardware/software constraint Driver 7 supported-by 30 Local_Design_Tailoring_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Incremental development Driver 8 supported-by 44 Planning_for_Evolutionary_Development_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Incremental development Driver 8 supported-by 45 Planning_for_Incremental_Development_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Incremental development Driver 8 supported-by 67 Requirements_Prototyping_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Integrated software management KPA Driver 9 supported-by 49 Planning_to_Manage_Cost_and_Effort_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Integrated software management KPA Driver 9 supported-by 50 Planning_to_Manage_Critical_Computer_Resources_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Integrated software management KPA Driver 9 supported-by 51 Planning_to_Manage_Critical_Paths_and_Dependencies_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Integrated software management KPA Driver 9 supported-by 52 Planning_to_Manage_Size_of_Work_Products_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Integrated software management KPA Driver 9 supported-by 62 Project_Progress_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Integrated software management KPA Driver 9 supported-by 63 Project_Risks_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Integrated software management KPA Driver 9 supported-by 77 Scheduling_and_Planning_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Intergroup coordination KPA Driver 10 supported-by 48 Planning_to_Identify_Critical_Engineering_Dependencies_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Intergroup coordination KPA Driver 10 supported-by 62 Project_Progress_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Intergroup coordination KPA Driver 10 supported-by 77 Scheduling_and_Planning_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Intergroup coordination KPA Driver 10 supported-by 94 Tracking_Critical_Engineering_Dependencies_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Lack of development method Driver 11 supported-by 81 Selection_of_Development_Method_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Maintenance/support requirements Driver 12 supported-by 54 Preparation_of_Enhanced_Documentation_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Maintenance/support requirements Driver 12 supported-by 67 Requirements_Prototyping_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Need for CASE tool Driver 13 supported-by 79 Selection_of_CASE_Tool_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Need for project level prototyping Driver 14 supported-by 59 Project_Level_Prototyping_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Operational life cycle Driver 15 supported-by 34 Object_Oriented_Design_Method_Selection optional variant ) ( PROGEN Operational life cycle Driver 15 supported-by 44 Planning_for_Evolutionary_Development_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Operational life cycle Driver 15 supported-by 45 Planning_for_Incremental_Development_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Peer reviews KPA Driver 16 supported-by 5 Architectural_Design_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Peer reviews KPA Driver 16 supported-by 6 Code_Unit_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Peer reviews KPA Driver 16 supported-by 18 Detailed_Design_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Peer reviews KPA Driver 16 supported-by 28 Integration_Testing_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Peer reviews KPA Driver 16 supported-by 38 Planning_Peer_Review_Management_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Peer reviews KPA Driver 16 supported-by 60 Project_Plan_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Peer reviews KPA Driver 16 supported-by 62 Project_Progress_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Peer reviews KPA Driver 16 supported-by 68 Requirements_Specification_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Peer reviews KPA Driver 16 supported-by 77 Scheduling_and_Planning_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Peer reviews KPA Driver 16 supported-by 92 System_and_Acceptance_Testing_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Peer reviews KPA Driver 16 supported-by 95 Tracking_Peer_Reviews_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Peer reviews KPA Driver 16 supported-by 99 Unit_Testing_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Performance requirements Driver 17 supported-by 15 Design_Performance_Analysis_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Performance requirements Driver 17 supported-by 16 Design_Prototyping_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Performance requirements Driver 17 supported-by 35 Performance_Testing_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Performance requirements Driver 17 supported-by 36 Performance_Testing_Peer_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Phasing Driver 18 supported-by 45 Planning_for_Incremental_Development_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Real time system Driver 19 supported-by 64 Real_Time_Design_Method_Selection optional variant ) ( PROGEN Requirements management KPA Driver 20 supported-by 84 Software_Requirements_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Reuse library exists Driver 21 supported-by 78 Select_or_Adapt_Reusable_Components_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software configuration management KPA Driver 22 supported-by 24 Establishing_CM_Library_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software configuration management KPA Driver 22 supported-by 25 Identification_of_SCM_Work_Products_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software configuration management KPA Driver 22 supported-by 55 Preparing_SCM_Plan_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software product engineering KPA Driver 23 supported-by 2 Analyzing_Defect_Data_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software product engineering KPA Driver 23 supported-by 33 Monitoring_and_Reviewing_Product_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software product engineering KPA Driver 23 supported-by 54 Preparation_of_Enhanced_Documentation_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software project planning KPA Driver 24 supported-by 9 Critical_Computer_Resources_Estimation_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software project planning KPA Driver 24 supported-by 13 Definition_of_Project_Commitments_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software project planning KPA Driver 24 supported-by 29 Life_Cycle_Selection_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software project planning KPA Driver 24 supported-by 39 Planning_Project_Facilities_and_Support_Tools_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software project planning KPA Driver 24 supported-by 82 Software_Cost_Estimation_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software project planning KPA Driver 24 supported-by 85 Software_Schedule_Planning_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software project planning KPA Driver 24 supported-by 87 Software_Size_Estimation_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software quality assurance KPA Driver 25 supported-by 56 Preparing_SQA_Plan_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software quality assurance KPA Driver 25 supported-by 62 Project_Progress_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software quality assurance KPA Driver 25 supported-by 75 SQA_Audit_of_Work_Products_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software subcontract management KPA Driver 26 supported-by 41 Planning_Subcontract_Management_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software subcontract management KPA Driver 26 supported-by 62 Project_Progress_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software subcontract management KPA Driver 26 supported-by 96 Tracking_Subcontract_Progress_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software tracking and oversight KPA Driver 27 supported-by 10 Critical_Computer_Resources_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software tracking and oversight KPA Driver 27 supported-by 58 Project_Commitments_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software tracking and oversight KPA Driver 27 supported-by 62 Project_Progress_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software tracking and oversight KPA Driver 27 supported-by 76 SW_Effort_and_Cost_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software tracking and oversight KPA Driver 27 supported-by 86 Software_Schedules_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Software tracking and oversight KPA Driver 27 supported-by 101 Work_Product_Size_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 7 Commitment_To_Planning_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 11 Defining_Approach_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 21 Developing_and_Updating_EoS_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 33 Monitoring_and_Reviewing_Product_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 37 Performing_Risk_Analysis_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 40 Planning_Risk_Aversion_Strategy_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 42 Planning_for_Architectural_Design_Cycle_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 43 Planning_for_Construction_and_Test_Cycle_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 46 Planning_for_Requirements_Cycle_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 47 Planning_for_System_Testing_Cycle_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 57 Product_Change_Control_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 62 Project_Progress_Review_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 69 Resolving_Risks_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 70 Reviewing_Context_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 72 Reviewing_Risk_Analysis_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Spiral process Driver 28 supported-by 77 Scheduling_and_Planning_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Throw away prototyping Driver 29 supported-by 67 Requirements_Prototyping_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Training program KPA Driver 30 supported-by 20 Developing_Training_Plan_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Training program KPA Driver 30 supported-by 74 Revising_Training_Plan_OS optional ) ( PROGEN Training program KPA Driver 30 supported-by 77
Scheduling_and_Planning_OS optional ) ( driver-explanation 1 CMM level 2 "This process driver package addresses the CMM level 2 KPAs. " ) ( driver-explanation 2 CMM level 3 "This is CMM level 3 package. " ) ( driver-explanation 3 Complex system interfaces "This process driver addresses numerous and difficult interface. " ) ( driver-explanation 4 Design method need "This process driver addresses the need for a design method. " ) ( driver-explanation 5 Design method training need "This process driver addresses the need for training in the selected software design method. " ) ( driver-explanation 6 Evolutionary development "This process driver addresses the need for evolutionary development. " ) ( driver-explanation 7 Existing hardware/software constraint "This process driver addresses compatibilty with existing hardware or software. " ) ( driver-explanation 8 Incremental development "This process driver addresses the need for incremental development. " ) ( driver-explanation 9 Integrated software management KPA "This process driver is a CMM level 3 KPA. " ) ( driver-explanation 10 Intergroup coordination KPA "This process driver is a CMM level 3 KPA. " ) ( driver-explanation 11 Lack of development method "This process driver addresses the lack of an overall software development method. " ) ( driver-explanation 12 Maintenance/support requirements "This process driver addresses difficult requirements for maintenane or support. " ) ( driver-explanation 13 Need for CASE tool "This process driver addresses the need for a CASE tool or 4GL. " ) ( driver-explanation 14 Need for project level prototyping "This process driver addresses the need for project level prototyping due to lack of understanding. " ) ( driver-explanation 15 Operational life cycle "This process driver addresses the issue that the system will be fielded for a long time. " ) ( driver-explanation 16 Peer reviews KPA "This process driver is a CMM level 3 KPA. " ) ( driver-explanation 17 Performance requirements "This process driver addresses difficult requirements for processing speed, memory, and efficiency. " ) ( driver-explanation 18 Phasing "This process driver addresses the need for phasing with system increments. " ) ( driver-explanation 19 Real time system "This process driver addresses the development of a Real time system. " ) ( driver-explanation 20 Requirements management KPA "This process driver is a CMM level 2 KPA. " ) ( driver-explanation 21 Reuse library exists "This process driver addresses the fact that a reuse library exists for this application domain. " ) ( driver-explanation 22 Software configuration management KPA "This process driver is a CMM level 2 KPA. " ) ( driver-explanation 23 Software product engineering KPA "This process driver is a CMM level 3 KPA. " ) ( driver-explanation 24 Software project planning KPA "This process driver is a CMM level 2 KPA. " ) ( driver-explanation 25 Software quality assurance KPA "This process driver is a CMM level 2 KPA. " ) ( driver-explanation 26 Software subcontract management KPA "This process driver is a CMM level 2 KPA. " ) ( driver-explanation 27 Software tracking and oversight KPA "This process driver is a CMM level 2 KPA. " ) ( driver-explanation 28 Spiral process "This process driver addresses the need for spiral process. " ) ( driver-explanation 29 Throw away prototyping "This process driver addresses the need for throw away prototyping. " ) ( driver-explanation 30 Training program KPA "This process driver is a CMM level 3 KPA. " ) ( is-part-of 3 Analyzing_Risks_OA 37 Performing_Risk_Analysis_OS ) ( is-part-of 3 Analyzing_Risks_OA 40 Planning_Risk_Aversion_Strategy_OS ) ( is-part-of 3 Analyzing_Risks_OA 69 Resolving_Risks_OS ) ( is-part-of 3 Analyzing_Risks_OA 72 Reviewing_Risk_Analysis_OS ) ( is-part-of 8 Construction_and_Test_Cycle_KA 6 Code_Unit_Peer_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 8 Construction_and_Test_Cycle_KA 17 Detailed_Design_KS ) ( is-part-of 8 Construction_and_Test_Cycle_KA 18 Detailed_Design_Peer_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 8 Construction_and_Test_Cycle_KA 27 Integration_Testing_KS ) ( is-part-of 8 Construction_and_Test_Cycle_KA 28 Integration_Testing_Peer_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 8 Construction_and_Test_Cycle_KA 54 Preparation_of_Enhanced_Documentation_OS ) ( is-part-of 8 Construction_and_Test_Cycle_KA 78 Select_or_Adapt_Reusable_Components_OS ) ( is-part-of 8 Construction_and_Test_Cycle_KA 97 Unit_Coding_KS ) ( is-part-of 8 Construction_and_Test_Cycle_KA 98 Unit_Testing_KS ) ( is-part-of 8 Construction_and_Test_Cycle_KA 99 Unit_Testing_Peer_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 12 Defining_Objectives_Alternatives_and_Constraints_OA 11 Defining_Approach_OS ) ( is-part-of 12 Defining_Objectives_Alternatives_and_Constraints_OA 21 Developing_and_Updating_EoS_OS ) ( is-part-of 12 Defining_Objectives_Alternatives_and_Constraints_OA 70 Reviewing_Context_OS ) ( is-part-of 19 Developing_Product_KA 22 Developing_and_Verifying_Product_KA ) ( is-part-of 19 Developing_Product_KA 32 Monitoring_and_Reviewing_OA ) ( is-part-of 19 Developing_Product_KA 73 Reviewing_Technical_Product_KS ) ( is-part-of 22 Developing_and_Verifying_Product_KA 8 Construction_and_Test_Cycle_KA ) ( is-part-of 22 Developing_and_Verifying_Product_KA 53 Preliminary_Design_Cycle_KA ) ( is-part-of 22 Developing_and_Verifying_Product_KA 61 Project_Planning_Cycle_KA ) ( is-part-of 22 Developing_and_Verifying_Product_KA 65 Requirements_Analysis_and_Specification_Cycle_KA ) ( is-part-of 22 Developing_and_Verifying_Product_KA 90 System_Testing_Cycle_KA ) ( is-part-of 26 Integrated_Software_Management_Planning_OA 7 Commitment_To_Planning_OS ) ( is-part-of 26 Integrated_Software_Management_Planning_OA 20 Developing_Training_Plan_OS ) ( is-part-of 26 Integrated_Software_Management_Planning_OA 38 Planning_Peer_Review_Management_OS ) ( is-part-of 26 Integrated_Software_Management_Planning_OA 48 Planning_to_Identify_Critical_Engineering_Dependencies_OS ) ( is-part-of 26 Integrated_Software_Management_Planning_OA 49 Planning_to_Manage_Cost_and_Effort_OS ) ( is-part-of 26 Integrated_Software_Management_Planning_OA 50 Planning_to_Manage_Critical_Computer_Resources_OS ) ( is-part-of 26 Integrated_Software_Management_Planning_OA 51 Planning_to_Manage_Critical_Paths_and_Dependencies_OS ) ( is-part-of 26 Integrated_Software_Management_Planning_OA 52 Planning_to_Manage_Size_of_Work_Products_OS ) ( is-part-of 26 Integrated_Software_Management_Planning_OA 77 Scheduling_and_Planning_OS ) ( is-part-of 31 Management_Planning_OA 9 Critical_Computer_Resources_Estimation_OS ) ( is-part-of 31 Management_Planning_OA 13 Definition_of_Project_Commitments_OS ) ( is-part-of 31 Management_Planning_OA 24 Establishing_CM_Library_OS ) ( is-part-of 31 Management_Planning_OA 25 Identification_of_SCM_Work_Products_OS ) ( is-part-of 31 Management_Planning_OA 29 Life_Cycle_Selection_OS ) ( is-part-of 31 Management_Planning_OA 39 Planning_Project_Facilities_and_Support_Tools_OS ) ( is-part-of 31 Management_Planning_OA 55 Preparing_SCM_Plan_OS ) ( is-part-of 31 Management_Planning_OA 56 Preparing_SQA_Plan_OS ) ( is-part-of 31 Management_Planning_OA 82 Software_Cost_Estimation_OS ) ( is-part-of 31 Management_Planning_OA 85 Software_Schedule_Planning_OS ) ( is-part-of 31 Management_Planning_OA 87 Software_Size_Estimation_OS ) ( is-part-of 32 Monitoring_and_Reviewing_OA 2 Analyzing_Defect_Data_OS ) ( is-part-of 32 Monitoring_and_Reviewing_OA 33 Monitoring_and_Reviewing_Product_OS ) ( is-part-of 53 Preliminary_Design_Cycle_KA 4 Architectural_Design_KS ) ( is-part-of 53 Preliminary_Design_Cycle_KA 5 Architectural_Design_Peer_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 53 Preliminary_Design_Cycle_KA 15 Design_Performance_Analysis_OS ) ( is-part-of 53 Preliminary_Design_Cycle_KA 16 Design_Prototyping_OS ) ( is-part-of 53 Preliminary_Design_Cycle_KA 30 Local_Design_Tailoring_OS ) ( is-part-of 61 Project_Planning_Cycle_KA 26 Integrated_Software_Management_Planning_OA ) ( is-part-of 61 Project_Planning_Cycle_KA 31 Management_Planning_OA ) ( is-part-of 61 Project_Planning_Cycle_KA 41 Planning_Subcontract_Management_OS ) ( is-part-of 61 Project_Planning_Cycle_KA 60 Project_Plan_Peer_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 61 Project_Planning_Cycle_KA 83 Software_Development_Planning_KS ) ( is-part-of 61 Project_Planning_Cycle_KA 93 Technical_Planning_OA ) ( is-part-of 65 Requirements_Analysis_and_Specification_Cycle_KA 66 Requirements_Analysis_and_Specification_KS ) ( is-part-of 65 Requirements_Analysis_and_Specification_Cycle_KA 67 Requirements_Prototyping_OS ) ( is-part-of 65 Requirements_Analysis_and_Specification_Cycle_KA 68 Requirements_Specification_Peer_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 65 Requirements_Analysis_and_Specification_Cycle_KA 84 Software_Requirements_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 71 Reviewing_Progress_OA 10 Critical_Computer_Resources_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 71 Reviewing_Progress_OA 58 Project_Commitments_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 71 Reviewing_Progress_OA 62 Project_Progress_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 71 Reviewing_Progress_OA 63 Project_Risks_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 71 Reviewing_Progress_OA 75 SQA_Audit_of_Work_Products_OS ) ( is-part-of 71 Reviewing_Progress_OA 76 SW_Effort_and_Cost_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 71 Reviewing_Progress_OA 86 Software_Schedules_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 71 Reviewing_Progress_OA 94 Tracking_Critical_Engineering_Dependencies_OS ) ( is-part-of 71 Reviewing_Progress_OA 95 Tracking_Peer_Reviews_OS ) ( is-part-of 71 Reviewing_Progress_OA 96 Tracking_Subcontract_Progress_OS ) ( is-part-of 71 Reviewing_Progress_OA 101 Work_Product_Size_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 88 Spiral_Life_Cycle_Domain_KA 3 Analyzing_Risks_OA ) ( is-part-of 88 Spiral_Life_Cycle_Domain_KA 12 Defining_Objectives_Alternatives_and_Constraints_OA ) ( is-part-of 88 Spiral_Life_Cycle_Domain_KA 19 Developing_Product_KA ) ( is-part-of 88 Spiral_Life_Cycle_Domain_KA 89 Spiral_Planning_OA ) ( is-part-of 89 Spiral_Planning_OA 57 Product_Change_Control_OS ) ( is-part-of 89 Spiral_Planning_OA 71 Reviewing_Progress_OA ) ( is-part-of 89 Spiral_Planning_OA 100 Updating_Spiral_Planning_Documents_OA ) ( is-part-of 90 System_Testing_Cycle_KA 35 Performance_Testing_OS ) ( is-part-of 90 System_Testing_Cycle_KA 36 Performance_Testing_Peer_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 90 System_Testing_Cycle_KA 91 System_and_Acceptance_Testing_KS ) ( is-part-of 90 System_Testing_Cycle_KA 92 System_and_Acceptance_Testing_Peer_Review_OS ) ( is-part-of 93 Technical_Planning_OA 14 Design_Method_Training_OS ) ( is-part-of 93 Technical_Planning_OA 59 Project_Level_Prototyping_OS ) ( is-part-of 93 Technical_Planning_OA 79 Selection_of_CASE_Tool_OS ) ( is-part-of 93 Technical_Planning_OA 80 Selection_of_Design_Method_OVS ) ( is-part-of 93 Technical_Planning_OA 81 Selection_of_Development_Method_OS ) ( is-part-of 100 Updating_Spiral_Planning_Documents_OA 42 Planning_for_Architectural_Design_Cycle_OS ) ( is-part-of 100 Updating_Spiral_Planning_Documents_OA 43 Planning_for_Construction_and_Test_Cycle_OS ) ( is-part-of 100 Updating_Spiral_Planning_Documents_OA 44 Planning_for_Evolutionary_Development_OS ) ( is-part-of 100 Updating_Spiral_Planning_Documents_OA 45 Planning_for_Incremental_Development_OS ) ( is-part-of 100 Updating_Spiral_Planning_Documents_OA 46 Planning_for_Requirements_Cycle_OS ) ( is-part-of 100 Updating_Spiral_Planning_Documents_OA 47 Planning_for_System_Testing_Cycle_OS ) ( is-part-of 100 Updating_Spiral_Planning_Documents_OA
74 Revising_Training_Plan_OS ) ( is-a 80 Selection_of_Design_Method_OVS 1 Ada_Based_Design_Method_Selection ) ( is-a 80 Selection_of_Design_Method_OVS 23 Distributed_Design_Method_Selection ) ( is-a 80 Selection_of_Design_Method_OVS 34 Object_Oriented_Design_Method_Selection ) ( is-a 80 Selection_of_Design_Method_OVS 64 Real_Time_Design_Method_Selection )) |