Chapter 18 -- Health Psychology
I. Major Definitions
A. Behavioral medicine - Integration of the behavioral sciences with
the practice and science of medicine, interdisciplinary scientific investigation
of health and illness
B. Health Psychology - Psychology's role as a science and profession
in the field of behavioral medicine
II. Definitions of Stress
A. Stress as a stimulus (environmental demand on the person)
1. Major life events (death, divorce)
2. Daily hassles (traffic, unexpected bills)
3. Negative events for specific populations (college students)
B. Stress as a Response
1. Bodily changes (increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature)
2. Suppressed immune system (reduced T cells and Natural Killer cells)
C. Stress as a Cognitive Appraisal (Mindset)
1. Harm
2. Challenge
3. Positive
IV. Coping
A. Optimistic outlook
B. Problem solving
C. Relaxation
D. Social support (perceived support more related to mood than actual support)
E. Physical Exercise
F. Sleep
V. Clinical Applications
A. Weight Management (Mediterranean diet, activity increase)
B. Smoking (Nicotine replacement, limit access)
C. Alcohol abuse (Social support, stress management)
D. Pain Management (Relaxation, express emotions)
E. Compliance with Medical Regimens increases with presence of pain, daily limitations, current research findings, social support,
perceived control, and friendly doctors