Exploring Native America


  Homework for February 3, 2003:  finish reading article "The Non-Archeology of the First
    Americans".  Read "The Coming of Gluscabi", beginning on page 4 of Native American Stories.
    Be prepared to discuss both in class.  Look up any new vocabulary words.

  Homework for February 5, 2003:  visit the following websites.  Read about the Native Americans
    who settled in the North (Alaska) and in the South (Florida).  What were their names?  How are
    they  different?  How are they similar?  What do you know about the climate of their land, their
    homes,  their clothing, their diets?  Be prepared to discuss in class.  Look up any new
    vocabulary words.


  Homework for February 10, 2003:  Talk to a GMU student or other native English speaker.  Ask for
    the name of a famous Native American.  Why was he or she famous?  Try to find out more about
    this famous Native American.  What tribe did he or she belong to?  When did this person live?
    What is interesting about this person?  (Suggestion:  use the Internet, with a search engine like

  Homework for February 12, 2003:  Finish reading article on Beothuk.  What does the article say
    about the origin of the term "redskin"?  Read the story "How Grandmother Spider Stole the
    Sun", beginning on page 27 of Native American Stories.  Be prepared to discuss in class.  Look
    up any new vocabulary words.

  Homework for February 17, 2003:  Visit the proverb links on the class website.  Find a Native
    American proverb.  Copy it.  Try to understand it.  Come to class ready to discuss it.  Prepare for

  Homework for February 26, 2003:  Read the handout "Native American Religion in Early America"
    and "Eagles and the Hopi".  Be prepared to discuss in class.  Look up any new vocabulary

  Homework for March 3, 2003:  Read "Loo-Wit, the Fire-Keeper" , beginning on page 21 of Native
    American Stories.  Be prepared to discuss both in class.  Look up any new vocabulary words.

  Homework for March 5, 2003:  Read about Mt St Helens at the following link:

  Homework for March 17, 2003:  Read "Tunka-shila, Grandfather Rock" on page 33 of text.  Look
    up new vocabulary.  Think about Native American relationship to earth and nature.  Come to
    class prepared to discuss.

  Homework for March 19, 2003:  Read "Old Man Coyote and the Rock" on page 35 of the text.
    Look up new vocabulary.  Come to class prepared to discuss.

  Homework for March 24, 2003:  Read "Keep Your Presents" and "Between Worlds".  Look up any
    new vocabulary.  Think about what happens when different cultures meet.  Come to class
    prepared to discuss.

  Homework for March 31, 2003:  Read "Before They Got Thick".  Look up any new vocabulary.
    Come to class prepared to discuss.  Explore the different websites about Europeans in the New

  Homework for April 2, 2003:  Read "People of Peace".  Look up any new vocabulary.  Come to
   class prepared to discuss.  What does this article say about contact and conflict between
    Native Americans and Europeans?

  Homework for April 7, 2003:  Review word/concept list and material discussed in class.  Prepare
     for quiz on Monday, April 7.

  Homework for April 9, 2003:  Read "From 1609 to Today".  Look up any new vocabulary.  Come
    to class prepared to discuss.  Why does the article say that, if were not for the Mohawk Indians,
    people in the US "might speak French instead of English"?

  Homework for April 14, 2003: Read "Koluscap and the Water Monster"  on page 59 of text.
    Look up any new vocabulary.  Come to class prepared to discuss.

  Homework for April 16, 2003:  Read "I will fight no more forever".  Look up new vocabulary.
    Come to class prepared to discuss.

  Homework for April 21, 2003:  Read "Furs, Gold, and Poverty".  Look up new vocabulary.
    Come to class prepared to discuss.

  Homework for April 23, 2003:  Read "The Long Walk".  Look up new vocabulary.  Come to
    class prepared to discuss.

  Homework for April 28, 2003:  Read "The Origin of Death", page 121 of text.  Who do you think
    should have the "first say" and the "last say"?  Write a short response explaining your answer.

  Homework for April 30, 2003:  Read "How Coyote Was the Moon", page 77 of text.  Come to
    class prepared to discuss.  Look up new vocabulary.

  Homework for May 5, 2003:  Visit some of the Native American language websites on the links
     page.  How many different Native American language families are there?  How many Native
     American languages are still spoken in the US?  What do the websites say about Native
     American sign language?