where english & legal studies shake hands

Semester: Spring 2015
ENGH 375 - Web Authoring & Design
Instructor: Douglas Eyman

ENGH 375 is a cross sectional course with grad students. This course explores HTML/CSS and how the web works in professions. Students interested in having basic knowledge of web authoring, manipulating graphics and designing a website should enroll in this course. Students create their own website to upload assignments, but also will create a website as their semester long project. This course isn't designed like most English courses, but it still requires heavy reading and critical thinking.

Paper Assignment
Website Report

There was only one paper assigned in the course, which was a report on the website the student created. The report was expected to discuss the Five Planes of a website in accordance to Jesse James Garett. Students were encouraged to write a reflection within the paper of their experience. An electronic copy was posted on a students individual website.
"User experience is the other, often overlooked, side of the equation—how it works—that can often make the difference between a successful product and a failure."
-Jesse James Garrett in The Elements of User Experience
Created by Juliann Phan
Last Updated: 05/06/2015 Completion Date: 05/06/2015
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.