CITI Course in The Protection of Human Research Subjects

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Sunday, September 17, 2006
CITI Course Completion Record # 357583
for Jennifer O'Looney

To whom it may concern:
On 9/17/2006, Jennifer O'Looney (username=jmagaha; Employee Number=) completed all CITI Program requirements for the Basic CITI Course in The Protection of Human Research Subjects.

Learner Institution: George Mason University
Learner Group: Group 1
Learner Group Description: This group is appropriate for Social & Behavioral Research Investigators and Key Personnel.
Contact Information:
Gender: Female
Department: Education
Which course do you plan to take?: Social & Behavioral Investigator Course Only
Role in human subjects research: Student Researcher
Mailing Address:
Office Phone: 703-993-2011
Home Phone:

The Required Modules for Group 1 are: Date completed
Introduction 09/17/06
History and Ethical Principles - SBR 09/17/06
Defining Research with Human Subjects - SBR 09/17/06
The Regulations and The Social and Behavioral Sciences - SBR 09/17/06
Assessing Risk in Social and Behavioral Sciences - SBR 09/17/06
Informed Consent - SBR 09/17/06
Privacy and Confidentiality - SBR 09/17/06
George Mason University 09/17/06
Additional optional modules completed: Date completed
Research with Children - SBR 09/17/06
Research in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools - SBR 09/17/06
International Research - SBR 09/17/06
Internet Research - SBR 09/17/06

For this Completion Report to be valid, the learner listed above must be affiliated with a CITI participating institution. Falsified information and unauthorized use of the CITI course site is unethical, and may be considered scientific misconduct by your institution.

Paul Braunschweiger Ph.D.
Professor, University of Miami
Director Office of Research Education
CITI Course Coordinator

CR# 357583