Why Blue

Blue has always appeared to me as the color of the internet and I have never been quite sure why. It appears across a verity of websites, most notably facebook. There is no denying that facebook has played a pivotal role in creating social media and popular Internet culture.


It is commonly used in the background of websites. Tumblr, facebook, and microsoft outlook all use blue in their banners/background. Most of these sites also use as either a font color or used to highlight within the font. This use of matching font with the sites colors makes the font become associated with the site. In order words it feels like that is the most important thing on the page.

This is FaceBook Notice how that everything that facebook is promoting is colored in the blue, as well as other peoples names and information. More interesting are the new stories that are colored blue as it makes it appear that they are facebooks prefered stories. And they probably are.

This is tumblr Tumblr is less forceful with it's coloring. This reflects the ideas behind the site which focuses on promoting creative content, rather than connecting with people. All official text is hazy and the icons are only uniform size.

This is Outlook Outlook is much more particular with it's coloring going for simnple blue accents rather than themeing everything in blue. However it can be see that important info is still highlighted in blue as is the dashboard icon. The site is still using blue to mark important information like facebook.

Why blue?

According to incredibleart.org blue represents: Peace, tranquility, cold, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, technology, depression, appetite suppressant. While according to webreference.com blue represents: truth, dignity, power, coolness, melancholy, heaviness, trust, reliability, belonging, coolness The link between those sites is the feeling of trust. Society sees blue as a trust worthy color so it makes sense so many sites would use it. Especially, those in social media or communication as they are going to be handling all of your personal data. As a result you are going to be relying on that site to help you. I know I would worry more about facebook notification much more if the app was red. Also, I would be more hesitant to post my information.

Websties used: facebook.com tumblr.com outlook.office.com