Managing Information Resources (PUAD 680)
Fall 2003


Basic Course Information

Time/Place: Wednesday, 4:30 p.m. – 7:10 p.m., rm. 253, Original Building, Arlington Campus

Instructor: Jonathan L. Gifford

Office Location: Arlington Campus, Original Building, rm. 266

Telephone: 703-993-2275; fax 801-749-9198

E-mail: jgifford @

Office Hours: Generally Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; and by appointment. Appointment strongly recommended if making a special trip to campus.

Course Organization and Objectives

This course is about the information revolution, its impacts on society, and the new environment for organizations these impacts create, with­ a particular focus on gov­ernment and non-profit organizations. Information technology generally, and the Internet in particular, have brought extraordinary pressures and opportunities to bear on government and non-profit organizations. The course examines how information and information technology can enable or inhibit an organization’s ability to achieve desired results.

Designing and implementing new systems, or modifying and enhancing existing systems, pose a challenge to both the line manager and the information technology (IT) professional. The line manager needs the skills and capacity to define information needs and the ability to ensure that systems acquired to manipulate and analyze information meet the business process requirements of all users. In particular, information needs of senior executives and their ability or inability to develop a vision for the potential use of information and information technology can seriously impede successful deployment of information systems.

For the IT professional, the challenge is developing and maintaining the systems and information nec­essary to lead change and support workers in producing the services and goods needed to fulfill the organiza­tion’s mission. Meeting this challenge can be all the more difficult in public and non-profit or­ganizations because of the procedural, personnel and budgetary limitations that they face.

Course topics include the role of information in the management of the public and non-profit sectors, the use of information systems in re-engineering organizational processes and in adapting approaches to providing information to mission accomplishment. In addition to these functional topics, the course surveys applications of information systems in a variety of public and non-profit settings of the students’ choosing. Candidate settings include (but are not limited to) associations, human services, defense and national security, public works, law enforcement, legislative bodies, and the judiciary.

The specific course objectives are to teach students to:

1.      Understand the impacts and opportunities of the new information age for government and non-profits;

2.      Recognize the value and problems of using systems to meet management challenges;

3.      Recognize and describe the value and performance of information systems relative to mission results;

4.      Recognize the practical, managerial and ethical dilemmas related to the development, implementation and use of information systems; and

5.      Understand the role of information in managing change.

In addition, the course seeks to enhance student skills in several areas:

6.      Finding, reading and critically reviewing professional and scholarly literature, since the latest information on managing information resources are often available in scholarly journals and government and consulting reports;

7.      Writing clear, understandable, concise, balanced and technically accurate papers and memoranda, complete with easily understandable charts, tables and graphs. The tendency to use jargon and unnecessarily technical language is often a serious problem for writing in this subject area;

8.      Professional presentation and commu­nication, both discussion of issues and options, and the presentation of analyses and results; and

9.      Fair and objective peer review of analytical procedures, conclusions and recommendations.

Requirements and Grading

Paper No. 1 (15% of grade)

See online syllabus companion.

Paper No. 2 (25%)

See online course packet.

Presentation (10%)

Develop and deliver a 15-minute class presentation on the sector about which you are writing your second paper. The classroom is outfitted with Microsoft PowerPoint. You may use other presentation software at your option, but you are responsible for ensuring that the necessary software is available for presentation in our classroom. Presentations will be graded on both content and style. Presentations will be scheduled throughout the semester. A sample evaluation sheet is appended.

Paper No. 3 (40%)

See online course packet.

Resubmitting Papers

Students may resubmit paper to be re-graded, subject to the following conditions.

1)      Resubmissions are accepted up to 1 week after papers are returned

2)      Must …

a)      be a substantive rewrite; papers should have been grammatically correct the first time.

b)      … visit the Writing Center (

c)      include a writer’s memo discussing how the paper is improved, and why it’s worth my time to reread it.

d)      include the original submission.

3)      You may also include up to 2 additional revisions of papers from the semester in an end-of-semester portfolio. Same rules apply re writer’s memo and including earlier submissions.

Class Participation (10%)

You should participate in class discussions demonstrating command of the assigned material and the ability to relate the concepts to other management issues. You should also subscribe to a computer-oriented periodical and scan it regularly for items related to your areas of interest. Candidate publications include Government Computer News (, Government Technology ( You may select another relevant publication if you wish. You can read these on-line, or subscribe to the hard copy version. (Note: eligibility for free hard copy subscriptions sometimes depends on how you answer the questions on the subscription form, which the publishers use to promote their publication to advertisers. Don’t lie, but make the most of anything that would make you attractive to their advertisers.)

A regular part of every class session will be a discussion of current events or “found objects” that are relevant to the subject matter of the course. These “found objects” might be incidents or situations that you encounter in your work or personal life that highlight or exemplify particular issues before the class. You should actively seek out such discussion items as a part of your regular everyday perusal of news and other events.

Note: Students who are unable to attend classes during which graded work is to be submitted or presented will be asked to provide appropriate documentation of the necessity for their absence. Also, note that the GMU’s graduate grading system allows grades of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C and F. Work that does not merit at least a B is generally not considered acceptable graduate quality work. From the catalog: “Students are advised that, although a B- is a satisfactory grade for a course, they must maintain a 3.0 average in their degree program and present a 3.0 GPA on the courses listed on the graduation application.”


The texts below have been ordered through the campus bookstore and should be available for purchase.

1.      Steven Alter, Information Systems: Foundation of e-Business, 4th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002);

2.      Herbert A. Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial, 3rd ed. (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1996). This book was ordered late, but is not needed until late in the semester, so it will be available by then in the bookstore.

3.      Edward R Tufte, The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint (Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press, 2003).

4.      A course packet provided through, a new online service provided by the ProQuest database provider. You will receive information from me regarding this course pack via your GMU e-mail account.

Note: used or discounted textbooks may be available online at, and other booksellers.

In addition to the above, the instructor may provide selected outside readings, which will be made available at student expense or on the Library’s electronic reserves (


The course schedule and assigned readings are all included in the Xanedu course pack mentioned above.


Jonathan L. Gifford is an associate professor of public management and policy in the School of Public Policy and directs the Master’s in Transportation Policy, Operations & Logistics. He also teaches in the Department of Public & International Affairs and serves on the faculty of the Environmental Sciences and Policy program. His teaching interests include: the planning, analysis and development of information systems in government; public policy analysis; transportation system planning and development; and management information systems.

His primary research interests are the use of information technology in public organizations and facilities, and transportation system analysis and planning. Recent research topics include:

·        Institutional issues in the implementation of advanced transportation information and control technologies;

·        The influence of standards on the pace and extent of technological innovation and technological adoption; and

·        Increasing the public acceptability of infrastructure improvements.

His professional experience includes short stints with the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, the Congressional Budget Office, and the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment, as well as a number of consulting assignments with government and private clients.

Prior to joining George Mason University, he served on the faculty of the School of Urban and Public Affairs at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in civil engineering, with a specialization in transportation engineering, from the University of California, Berkeley, and a B.S. in civil engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.

For additional information, see

Computer Proficiency Requirements

Students enrolling in 680 must have basic proficiency in the use of a spreadsheet, database, word processing and presentation packages. Students lacking proficiency in spreadsheet or database but otherwise conversant in the use of computers may take PUAD 680 and PUAD 730 simultaneously. PUAD 730 may not be substituted for PUAD 680.

Students who need to gain proficiency have several options to do so. The right one for you depends on your situation, including how much you already know. Here are some options:

1.      Enroll in 730.

2.      Tutorials for Excel, Access and PowerPoint are available through STAR (Student Technology Assistance and Resource Center), JLC rm. 229, 993-8990. A list of available classes is located at

3.      Complete training in Microsoft Office through an off-campus training program. Such programs are sometimes available through an employer.

General Paper Guidelines

1)      Grading Criteria. Papers are graded on the basis of three distinct sets of criteria: 1) the quality of the content, 2) their structure and organization, and 3) their “mechanics,” which refers to their proper use of grammar, citation, punctuation, and so forth. A sample “grading criteria” sheet is attached.

2)      Paper Length. Word counts specified for papers are exclusive of footnotes, endnotes, or appendix material. Please note the word count on the cover page.

3)      Papers must be typed.

4)      No late assignments will be accepted without the instructor’s prior approval.

5)      All papers should be submitted electronically via e-mail. Papers are routinely screened using anti-plagiarism software.

6)      Plagiarism. Be careful and systematic in the way you quote and credit source material in order to avoid plagiarism, which may result in Honor Code violations.

7)      The instructor may ask to review your source material. Do not discard it for at least a month after your final paper is turned in.

8)      Disclosure and Related Work. Student papers should be original work undertaken specifically for the purpose of this course. You must disclose in a note or prefatory statement your any linkage between the subject of the paper and your work, another course, or your extracurricular activities. It is perfectly acceptable to draw on expertise gained from professional or personal experience on a topic, but it is essential to disclose that.

9)      Finding and evaluating source material. Remember that some sources are more credible than others, and it’s up to you the researcher to evaluate the credibility of a source and the particular facts, ideas or positions it advances. All sources are not created equal!

10)  Style

a)      The term “style” refers to the way a paper treats headings, footnotes, bibliographic citations, illustrations, tables, etc. In professional writing, it is important to be aware of style and to follow the appropriate style guidelines for what you are writing. You should choose and adhere to a particular style.

b)      In addition, papers for this course require the following: (i) identify your sources in footnotes; (ii) include source information for all figures and tables; (iii) include a bibliography of all source material at the end of your paper.

c)      The use of source material from the internet or other electronic forms is increasingly common. If you use such material, you must cite it correctly. Refer to the guidelines on the GMU library website (visit and click on “Reference,” and then “Style Guides and Manuals”).

Honor Code Policy

The Honor Code policy endorsed by the members of the Department of Public & International Affairs relative to the types of academic work indicated below is set out in the appropriate paragraphs:

1.      Quizzes, Tests and Examinations. No help may be given or received by students during the taking of quizzes, tests or examinations, whatever the type or wherever taken, unless the instructor specifically permits deviation from this standard.

2.      Course Requirements. All work submitted in fulfillment of course requirements is to be solely the product of the individual(s) whose name(s) appears on it. Except with permission of the instructor, no recourse is to be had to projects, papers, lab reports or any other written work previously prepared by another student, and except with permission of the instructor no paper or work of another type submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of another course may be used a second time to satisfy a requirement of any course in the Department of Public Affairs. No assistance is to be obtained from commercial organizations which sell or lease research help or written papers. With respect to all written work as appropriate, proper footnotes and attribution are required.

3.      Required Reading. A signed pledge that reading required for a course has been completed may be made a condition of receiving credit in that course. Inability to sign the pledge when required on the final exam will result in the assignment of a grade of I.











Quality of Content


Addresses assignment





Analytical clarity/persuasiveness










Quality of source material





Use of evidence/methodology





Structure & Organization (S&O)


Clear intro, thesis, conclusion





Use of transitions, headings and other cohering strategies





Logical & coherent paragraphing in support of main points







Correct citation, documentation





Required elements (title page, works cited [if more than those in footnotes]), length (word count), page #





Grammar, spelling, punctuation, article use





Abbreviations/symbols in comments: ¶ = paragraph; # = number agreement; awk = awkward; frag = sentence fragment (incomplete sentence); wc = word choice; pv = passive voice

Speech/Presentation Evaluation Form

Presenter: _______________________

Date: ___________________________



____ (50 pts)


Captures our attention



Establishes strong credibility



Previews presentation structure






Audience orientation



Clear organization



Thorough analysis/sound reasoning



Solid support






Summarizes key ideas



Provides strong final thought





Time limit






Vocal Qualities

____ (15 pts)




Vocal variety



Vocal pacing






Non-fluencies (um, ah, etc.)


Body Language

____ (15 pts)

Eye contact



Facial expressions











Visual Support

____ (20 pts)




Enhanced understanding


Clear and concise


Easily seen



Handled effectively




____ (100 pts)