James Bruce

(703) 339-2418 -> jbruce3@masonlive.gmu.edu


Hayfield Secondary School: September 2012-June 2016
George Mason University: August 2016-May 2020

Extracurricular Activities

Youth for Understanding Intercultural Exchange: June-August 2015
Earned full academic scholarship for six-week study abroad trip to Osaka, Japan.

Japanese National Honor Society: September 2015-June 2016
President of Hayfield Secondary chapter of Japanese National Honor Society.

Forensics Speech and Debate: September 2012-June 2016
Competitor in Declamation, Duo Interpretation and Original Oratory.

Hayfield Robotics Club: September 2014-June 2016
Head Coder.

Fairfax Public Access Television (FCAC): July 2014-Present
Producer and host of television program Talking and Board Games.

Theater: September 2011-June 2013
Actor, Technician, Singer and Dancer.

Hayfield Varsity Tennis: April 2015-June 2016

Hayfield Varsity Swim: October 2013-June 2016

Awards and Distinctions
