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Quiz Number 12 Answers

SWE 432, Fall 2008
November 24

  1. Choose the best answer for each of the following statements. Indicate your answer by writing the number and the word.
    1. J2EE assumes that data values change [ (1) infrequently ] [ (2) very frequently ] [ (3) somewhat frequently ].
      (2) very frequently
    2. J2EE assumes that the data structure changes [ (1) infrequently ] [ (2) very frequently ] [ (3) somewhat frequently ].
      (1) infrequently
    3. J2EE assumes that data presentation change [ (1) infrequently ] [ (2) very frequently ] [ (3) somewhat frequently ].
      (3) somewhat frequently
    4. Java Server Pages should have [ (1) more Java ] [ (2) less Java ].
      (2) less Java
    5. The JSP in homework 9 uses a [ (1) page-centric design ] [ (2) dispatcher design ].
      (1) page-centric design
  2. Does the student information example demoed in class use a page-centric design, a dispatcher design, a mediator-view design, or a model-view-controller design.
  3. Under what conditions will a JSP that you write be able to share a Java bean object with a JSP one of your classmates wrote.
    In one JSP ...
    <jsp:useBean id="info" scope="application" class="sueBean">
    In another JSP ...
    <jsp:useBean id="info" scope="application" class="tomBean">

    The Java bean id is the same and scope is application. (As I found last week and pointed out in lecture, the name of the class is irrelevant.)