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Quiz Number 3 Answers

SWE 432, Fall 2008
September 22

  1. Answer each of the following with either a T=true, F=false:
    1.   T   Navigation in hypertext systems should be based on a tree structure.
    2.   F   Hypertext was invented in 1990.
    3.   F   Users love animation in hypertext.
    4.   T   A link traversal should be ancillary.
    5.   F   Frames are the best way to organize text in a web page.
  2. "Flow" in a user interface refers to
    (A) Coffee drunk during development
    (B) The sequence of inputs and screens true
    (C) How well the users understand metaphors
    (D) The steps used to design and build a UI
  3. Which of the following should be considered excise tasks? Answer each with either a T=true, F=false:
    1.   T   Entering passwords
    2.   T   Remembering where files are stored
    3.   T   Moving and resizing windows
    4.   T   Confirming actions