SWE 432 Homework 10
Fall 2008
JSP : Displaying with a JSP
Due Friday 11/28

Bill Dickey is learning me his experience.
- Yogi Berra in his rookie season.
If the people don't want to come out to the park, nobody's going to stop 'em.
- Yogi Berra

Modify your previous servlet by replacing part of it with a JSP. The JSP will read the course schedule data from your file and display the course schedule page.

After this JSP, you will have several components to your project. The workflow will proceed as follows:

  1. The user will go to the servlet and see a blank form.
  2. The user will enter data about the course schedule into the form and the servlet will save the data into a file.
  3. The user will go to the JSP to see the course schedule page.
  4. At any time, the user can go to the servlet, load the existing data about the course schedule into a form, and change it or add more data.

You should have have a separate class for reading and writing the file. You can put the file reading and writing abilities into a Javabean or a regular Java class. That is, your JSP can use direct method calls or the Javabean commands to get the data. I strongly advise you not to try to read the file directly from the JSP.

You may change your data form, your servlet, or your file format if you wish.

This homework assignment can be done with one partner. If you work with a partner, submit the assignment on both websites and have both names on your program.

Your JSP will be graded on correctness, programming style, and also on the readability and maintainability of the HTML that it produces.


Submit the program by (1) placing a link on your class web site to the JSP on the server (2) placing a link on your class webs site to the the servlet executable file on the server, and (3) by emailing the JSP and any Java source file(s) to the TA. Both must be submitted before the deadline to be on time.


  1. Leave your homework 9 submission as it was! If you modify your servlet, create a new servlet file for this program with a different name. Also, use a different file name.
  2. The name of your JSP must start with your user name (e.g., upraphamH10.jsp).
  3. Make sure your last name is on every HTML page and programming artifact so we know who it belongs to – even if we print.
  4. If you finish the assignment late, you need to send email to me and the TA to tell us when to grade it. This is your responsibility !