Assignment 2: Guide – SWE 619 – ALL – Spring 2010


Goal: Basic familiarity with Java Exceptions.


Basic Assignment


 1 // Fig. 13. 1:

 2 // An application that attempts to divide by zero.



 5 public class DivideByZeroNoExceptionHandling

 6 {

 7    // demonstrates throwing an exception when a divide-by-zero occurs

 8    public static int quotient( int numerator, int denominator )

 9    {

10       return numerator / denominator; // possible division by zero

11    }  // end method quotient


13    public static void main( String args[] )

14    {



17       // Provide an implementation to input the numerator, input the denominator

18       // call the quotient method, and output the result







25    }  // end main

26 } // end class DivideByZeroNoExceptionHandling




1)   Implement the above code fragment completing the main section based on the comment.

2)   Compile and execute bullet one with several test cases including a denominator = 0; Save the output to file.

3)   Augment the implementation in bullet one as follows:

a.   Write a requires clause that addresses a denominator = 0;

b.   Modify the implementation in bullet one to check for denominator = 0; make sure you prevent and provide the caller program with mechanism to recover from when the denominator = 0;

c.   Modify the implementation in bullet one to address the case with denominator = 0 by using an exception



Submit the following:


1)   Provide Java source files for all four implementations.

2)   Provide output files for all four implementations (include several valid and invalid test cases)