Gordon Tullock






New Publications



Authored & Co-Authored

Buchanan, James and Tullock, Gordon.  The Calculus of Consent:  Logical Foundations of a Constitutional Democracy. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1962).

Paperback, 1965. Spanish Translation, 1980. Japanese Translation, 1980. Russian Translation, forthcoming Chinese Translation (by Yi Xianrong), forthcoming Korean Translation (by Sooyoun Hwang), Forward, forthcoming French Translation, forthcoming

 Tullock, Gordon.  The Politics of Bureaucracy. (Washington D.C.:  Public Affairs Press, 1965).

Paperback, 1975.University Press of America, 1987.

 Tullock, Gordon.  The Organization of Inquiry. (Durham, NC:  Duke University Press, 1966).

University Press of America, 1987.

Tullock, Gordon.  Toward a Mathematics of Politics (Ann Arbor:  University of Michigan Press, 1967).

Paperback, 1972. Reviewed by Kenneth J. Arrow.  “Tullock and an Existence Theorem,” Public Choice. VI: 105-11.

Tullock, Gordon.  Private Wants, Public Means:  An Economic Analysis of the Desirable Scope of Government. (New York:  Basic Books, Inc., 1970).

Spanish Translation, 1979.Japanese Translation, 1984. University Press of America, 1988.

Tullock, Gordon.  The Logic of the Law. (New York:  Basic Books Inc., 1971).

University Press of America, 1988.

 Tullock, Gordon.  The Social Dilemma:  The Economics of War and Revolution. (Blacksburg, VA: Center for Study of Public Choice, 1974).

Japanese Translation, 1979.Slovenian Translation, March 1997.

 McKenzie, Richard B. and Tullock, Gordon.  The New World of Economics:  Explorations into the Human Experience  (Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1975).

2nd Edition, 1978.3rd Edition, 1980.4th Edition, 1984.  Chapter 4, “Competing monies,” (Irwin, 1984, 4th ed. Pp. 52-65).5th Edition, 1989.Spanish Translation, 1980.Japanese Translation, 1981.German Translation, 1984.Chinese Translation, 1992. German Translation, Second Printing, 2002.Revised Aug. 1994 and retitled: The Best of the New World of Economics… and Then Some.5th Edition reissued, 1994, The New World of Economics. McGraw-Hill).

 McKenzie, Richard B. and Tullock, Gordon.  Modern Political Economy:  An Introduction to Economics (New York:  McGraw‑Hill Book Company, 1978).

Polish Translation, 1993.

 Tullock, Gordon.  Trials on Trial:  The Pure Theory of Legal Procedure (New York: Columbia University Press, 1980).

 Buchanan, James M. Tollison, Robert D., and Tullock, Gordon eds.  Toward a Theory of the Rent-Seeking Society.  (College Station:  Texas A&M University Press, Series 4, 1980).

 Tullock, Gordon. “Efficient Rent Seeking,” Toward a Theory of the Rent-Seeking Society.  Pp. 153-179.

Reprinted in: “The Economics Analysis of Rent Seeking.:, R.D. Tollison and R.D. Cingeton (eds), The Economic Analysis of Rent Seeking, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1995, Pp. 131-146.

 Tullock, Gordon.  Economics of Income Redistribution (Hingham, MA: Kluwer‑Nijhoff Publishing, 1983).

Second Printing, 1984.Second Edition (Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997).

 Tullock, Gordon.  The Economics of Wealth and Poverty. (London, England: Wheatsheaf Press, 1986).

 Tullock, Gordon.  Autocracy. (Dordrecht, Netherlands:  Martinus Nijhoff, 1987).

 Tullock, Gordon.  Wealth, Poverty & Politics. (Oxford, England: Basil Blackwell, 1988).

 Chinese translation, 2002

 Tullock, Gordon.  The Economics of Special Privilege and Rent Seeking (Boston & Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989).

 Rowley, Charles K., Tollison, Robert D., Tullock, Gordon eds.  The Political Economy of Rent Seeking.(Amsterdam:  Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989).

Tullock, Gordon.  Economic Hierarchies, Organization and the Structure of Production.  Studies in Public Choice, (Norwell, MA/Dordrecht:  Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992).

 Tullock, Gordon.  The New Federalist.  (Vancouver:  Fraser Institute, 1994).

 English version, 1994.Serbo-Croatian translation by Ljubomir Madzar, (Belgrade:  The Institute of Economics and “Ekonomika”), 1992.Russian translation, Centre of Children’s and Adult’s International Initiatives for Peace and Cooperation.  Moscow, Jan. 1994.Korean translation, 1994. Korean translation, Second Printing, 2002.Italian translation, forthcoming

Brady, Gordon and Tollison, Robert D. eds. On The Trial of Homo Economicus: Essays by Gordon Tullock.(Fairfax, Va.: George Mason Univeristy Press, 1994).

This is a collection of essays by Gordon Tullock, together with some critical bibliographical notes.

 Tullock, Gordon.  The Economics of Non-Human Societies.  (Tucson, AZ:  Pallas Press, 1994).

 Korean translation, forthcoming.

 Gunning, Patrick and Tullock, Gordon.  Understanding Democracy: An Introduction to Public Choiceforthcoming.

 Tullock, Gordon.  On Voting:  A Public Choice Approach.  (Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1998).

Paperback, 2001.Japanese translation, by Morris Perlman, 1998.

Seldon, Arthur, Brady, Gordon and Tullock, Gordon. Government Failure: A Primer in Public Choice (Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute, 2002).

Chinese translation by Angle & BestWise Publishing Group, 2003

 Tullock, Gordon. Public Goods, Redistribution, and Rent Seeking. forthcoming.


 Public Choice (formerly Papers on Non‑Market Decision Making). (Charlottesville, VA:  Thomas Jefferson Center for Political Economy, University of Virginia, 1966). 

Note:  This publication started out as a book and developed into a journal which was published by the Center for Study of Public Choice, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, until 1978, but it is now published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Tullock, Gordon ed.  A Practical Guide for the Ambitious Politician. (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 196l).

Tullock, Gordon ed.  Explorations in the Theory of Anarchy. (Blacksburg, VA:  Center for Study of Public Choice, 1972).

 Tullock, Gordon ed.  Further Explorations in the Theory of Anarchy. (Blacksburg, VA: Center for Study of Public Choice, 1974).

Tullock, Gordon ed.  Frontiers of Economics. (Blacksburg, VA:  Center for Study of Public Choice).

Vol. I, 1975.Vol. II, 1976.Vol. III, 1980.

 Tullock, Gordon ed.  Public Choice in New Orleans. (Blacksburg, VA: Center for Study of Public Choice, 1980).

 Tullock, Gordon, Buchanan, James M. and Tollison, Robert D. eds. Towards A Theory of the Rent‑Seeking Society. (Texas A & M University Press, 1981).

 Tullock, Gordon, ed.  Toward a Science of Politics:  Papers in Honor of Duncan Black. (Blacksburg, VA: Center for Study of Public Choice, 1981).

 Tullock, Gordon ed.  The Simons' Syllabus: Henry Calvert Simons. (Fairfax, VA: Center for Study of Public Choice, George Mason University, 1983).

 Tullock, Gordon, Hartley, K. and Seldon, A. eds.  The Return of the Voucher. (Institute of Economic Affairs, England, 1985/86).

 Tullock, Gordon, Rowley, Charles K., and Tollison, Robert D. eds.  The Political Economy of Rent-Seeking. (Boston:   Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988).

Tullock, Gordon and Brady, Gordon eds.  Formal Contributions to the Theory of Public Choice : The Unpublished Works of Duncan Black. (Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995).

Lockard, Alan and Tullock, Gordon, eds.  Efficient Rent-Seeking: Chronicle of an Intellectual Quagmire. (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001).