Shelley Reid .


English 5213, Fall 2003, Course Syllabus & Reading Assignments

Oklahoma State University

  Go to Policy & Assignments Page


First Inquiry:  Responding to Students and Their Writing

Week 1:

Bean: Chapter 1
Corbett:  Elbow, "Contraries"
Web: "Engfish":
Optional: skim  Glenn Ch. 1-2

Draft of Warm-up Essay due for Thursday workshop -- 3 copies

First three emails due by 8/23: Post about writers/writing & about a text; respond to another post at least once


Week 2:

Straub: Sommers, "Responding"; Daiker, "Praise";
"What if Drugs" essay and comments for Tues. wksp.
Choose a 3rd: Bean: Ch. 4 or 14, or Glenn: Ch. 6

First Reading Response due Tuesday; think about Short Project #1

Revision of Warm-up Essay, with Post Script & Draft(s), due Thursday

Thursday Warm-Up Activity Leader:

Three more emails due by 8/30: Post & respond about a text; one extra post


Week 3:

Bean:  Chapter 15
Straub: Elbow, "Ranking"
"John Cougar" essay and comments for Tues. wksp.
Choose a 3rd:  Straub: Elbow, "Options"; White, "Scoring Guides"

First Pedagogy Response due Tuesday

Tuesday Warm-Up Leader:

Schedule Short Project #1 Conference for next week

Second Inquiry:  Designing Assignments

Week 4:

Corbett:  Fulkerson, "Four Philosophies"
 Xerox:  Wiley, "Formulaic Writing"
Choose a 3rd:  Xerox: Freire, "Banking"; Bean: Ch. 5;
         Corbett:  Berlin, "Rhetoric and Ideology"

Assignment Draft (SP#2) due Thursday

Thinking about Exploration Essay part 1 . . .

Tuesday Warm-Up:

Thursday Warm-Up:


Week 5:

Glenn:  Flower, "Writer-Based Prose"
: Sommers, "Revision Strategies" 

Draft of Exploration Essay due for Tuesday workshop (2 copies, anonymous)

Thursday Warm-Up:


Week 6:

Corbett: Fahnstock & Secor, "Teaching Argument"
Corbett: Lamb, "Beyond"

Reading Responses? Pedagogy Responses?

Short Project #2 Due Tuesday

Tuesday Warm-Up:

Thursday Warm-Up:


Third Inquiry:  Teachers and Students, Roles and Goals

Week 7

Glenn: Bartholomae, "Inventing the University"
Corbett:  Murray, "Listening Eye"

Revised Exploration draft (+Post Script) due Thursday

Set up Short Project #3

Week 8

Xerox:  Bruffee, "Collaborative"
Xerox: Brooke, "Underlife"
Choose a 3rd:  Xerox:  Leverenz, "Peer Response";
         Glenn:  Herzberg, "Service"; Rose, "Exclusion"; Ch. 3

Choose issues and collaborative pairs/groups for Inquiry Project

Tuesday Warm-Up:

Mid-term check: about halfway through email and reading/pedagogy response assignments?


Week 9:

Xerox:  Lamott, "Shitty First Drafts"

Tuesday Warm-Up:

Draft of Synthesis Essay due for Thurs. workshop; set up revision conference


Week 10:

Glenn:  Moss & Walters, "Rethinking Diversity"
Xerox: Delpit, "Power & Pedagogies"
Choose a 3rd:  Corbett: Shaughnessy, "Diving In";
         Glenn: Bloom, "Middle Class";
Xerox:  Flynn, "…from a Feminist Perspective"

Thursday:  Midterm In-class Writing Assignment  See Bean:  Ch. 11

Tuesday Warm-Up:


Fourth Inquiry:  The Rhetorics of Rules & Regs

Week 11

Connors:  Hartwell, "Grammar…Grammars"
Xerox:  Devet, "Welcoming Grammar"

Revision of Synthesis Essay (+ Post Script) Due Tuesday

Inquiry Groups:  Outlines and/or drafts for Thursday workshop (4 copies)

Tuesday Warm-Up:

Thursday Warm-Up:

Week 12

Xerox:  Howard, "Academic Death Penalty"
WPA Plag.:

Tuesday Warm-Up

Short Project #3 Due Tuesday

Group A:  Exploration Essay Revision & Expansion Draft due for Thursday workshop


Fifth Inquiry:  To Boldly Go…

Week 13:

Glenn:  Selfe, "Perils"
Choose a 2nd: Xerox:  Kramer/Bernhardt "Text Design";
Rickly, "Gender"

Tuesday Warm-Up:

Tuesday:  Collaborative Inquiry Presentation(s)

Group B:  Exploration Essay Revision & Expansion Draft due for Thursday workshop


Week 14:

Xerox: J. Reid, "Issues in ESL Writing"
Choose a 2nd: Xerox:  Nist & Raines, "Two Year Colleges";
         Xerox: Fulwiler, "Writing Across the Curriculum"

Tuesday:  Collaborative Inquiry Presentation(s)

Thursday:  Collaborative Inquiry Presentation(s)


Week 15:

Reading Holiday

Exploration 2 Revision Due by Tuesday (+ Post Script/Conference)

SP #4:  Three Day Plan Draft


Week 16:

Xerox:  Hillocks, "Basics"
Professional Position Statements (TBA)

Tuesday workshop:  SP#4 cont.; portfolio ideas

Thursday:  Reflections, rereadings, revisions


Final Portfolio:  Turn in Wednesday, December 10, 1:30-3:30 pm

Final "Exam":  Thursday December 11, 8:00-9:50 am



Last updated June 2008. Email Shelley Reid