Tips and Thoughts about Summarization and Note Taking


What is Summarization and Why is it Important?

Summarization skills are essential for mastering content of readings and lectures.  Perfecting these skills will save you time and energy and really improve your grade!

There are 3 phases in note-taking.  The first deals with preparation for class or a note-taking session, the second during class or session, and finally after your session.


Preparation is a key factor of learning, but is a real time saver when used to its fullest extent.  Consider using a note-taking method listed below. 

  • Preview readings or notes. 
  • Have your items ready, writing utensil (consider 2 styles or colors), highlighter, paper to write on. 
  • If reading text material, get comfortable and avoid distractions. 
  • If in class or a lecture situation, choose your seating in the middle at the front of the room. 

During reading or class

  • Try to stay focused and participate in class settings.
  • Look to the beginnings for clues about topics, and points of interest you expect to learn about. 
  • For readings, use a highlighter if possible, or jot down a sentence which concludes the paragraph.
  • Date and title your notes and keep handout with dated material.
  • Use a form of short hand and symbols and so you don’t waste time with writing every word.
  • Look or listen for cue words like for example, in conclusion, in summary, and repetition of sentences, these will help you focus on material importance and also will alert you to material you may have missed.

After reading or class – Summarization-

  • Reorganize you notes as quickly as you can while material is still fresh in your mind.
  • Complete sentences that you may have abbreviated fill in gaps.
  • Highlight items which stood out as important and use cue words or pictures to peg meaning to the text.
  • Review your material twice before going to the next class or section.
  • Glean ideas for a paper or presentation be organizing related material.


What is Note Taking and Why is it Important?

Note-taking is important for remembering facts and information when reading information, hearing a lecture, or participating in an activity. These notes can then be reviewed at a later time to embed important material for future recall as in a quiz or other form of assessment.

Different teaching styles decide on which note-taking method is best and practice makes perfect. Note-taking take skill and follow through. Once the note-taking session is over an immediate review or reorganization of your notes should take place.


Note-Taking methods
        The Cornell Method
                Use the left hand margin and add about 2.5 inches, and create a column for summarizing and organizing text after lecture.  In writing in the right hand column, this allows you to modify your notes for greater understanding and retention.

        Outlining Method
                Allows you to write points of interest in a outline format which shows a deeper relationship to the main topic.  Adding sub topics allows you to focus related material and keep it together.

        Mapping Method
                This is best used when a topic has two or more related issues, the items map off in to separate learning topics.  This is an excellent use of visual learning techniques.

        Charting Method
                Chart is used when need to use similar categories for multiple events.  Key items may be done chronologically.

        Sentence Method
                Slightly more organized the just writing in paragraph form.  Number sentences and get all information.  Not able to easily group relative information.

Be flexible; create a method that fits your needs.  Use aspects of each model to help you learn better.