PSYC301 Lab Summer 2010

You can download course materials and copies of lectures here.

Syllabus, etc
Using Library Resources: How to use PsycInfo to find articles    
Using Zotero to make reference pages. You can download Zotero here.    
Week 1: Course Introduction, Observational Research, Writing and Method and Results Section
Lecture 1: Intro to class, observational research
Lecture 2: Writing a method and results section
Observational study grading rubric    
Study Design Worksheet    
Observational study guidlines    
Week2: Correlational and Survey Research, Experimental Design
Lecture 3: Correlational and Survey Research
Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)    
Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)    
Link for data entry      
Observational method and resutls assignment sheet    
Observational method and results grading rubric    
Method and results in class example    
Lecture 4: Experimental Design
Survey method and resutls assignment sheet    
Week 3: Developing your own research ideas, writing an intro section
Lecture 5: Intro section, research ideas
Intro section guidlines    
Week 4
Final proposal overview    
Lecture 6: discussion sections and more paper info
Lecture 7: Abstracts, how to give presentations, how research really works
Week 5
Lecture 8: Our last class! Grad school stuff