Create EPub with Calibre

Calibre can convert .docx (Word) and html files to several different electronic book formats. PDF files can also be imported, but these often lack the markup structure needed for a ebook navigation.

The files needs to have the proper structure; Titles, Headings, etc need to marked. This is done in html by using CSS to define things such as Headings. In Word, this must be done using Styles:

Style Pane in Word


Once you have a properly formatted document, import it into Calibre using the "Add Book" menu item"

Add Book to Calibre

Calibre can import Word files, html, and other fomats:

Word doc Import


Once the file has been added, use the Convert menu to begin the conversion process:

Convert Ebook

The Conversion window has options to set the Meta Data (author, etc), as well as various Formatting Options:

Caibre Meta data

In the "Look and Feel" menu, check the "embed fonts" option:

Calibre Look

The rest of the options can be left to their defaults, though you can change the output format here if you want to. Once you have set the options, click the OK button on the bottom right.

To export the e-book, use the Save to Disk menu item:

Calibre Save

This will export the epub file as well as an .opf file containing the book metadata. When you share an ebook, you do not need to share the opf file, as Calibre will create a new one when importing a book.

To view the book in your library, you can use the Book Viewer:

Calibre Viewer

Calibre ToC

You can also edit a book after it has been converted, using the Edit Book menu item:

Calibre Edit


For much more information, including how to convert a website into an ebook, go to the Calibre User Manual, in particular the eBook Conversion and FAQ sections