Honors 353: 012
George Mason University

Spring 2013


Peer Review

Please print these questions and bring them to class. In class, you will each exchange a printed copy of your draft with another student. Read the draft, then respond to the following questions:


  1. How much background information is given? Is the context clear? Why is this research being done (aside from it being an assignment, of course)?

  2. What is the thesis or main point of the paper? If the thesis is not stated in the Introduction, is there a research question?

Body (Literature Review)

  1. Locate and list the topic sentences (or main ideas) of each paragraph.
    How are the topics organized? Could they be re-arranged?

  2. Identify any points which rely on only one source, or an ambiguously cited source, for support.

Discussion and Conclusion

  1. Identify the thesis in the conclusion.
    Does it match the thesis in the Introduction (or answer the research question)?

  2. How is the conclusion derived from or supported by the sources?

Write your responses on a sheet of paper, and give it and the draft back to the author. I will collect peer reviews on Thursday May 2



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