Dr. Dean Taciuch
George Mason University

Spring 2009

Honors 353:001
Technology in Contemporary Society


Essay 1

The first essay asks you to describe and interpret a homeostatic system using Wiener's concept of cybernetics. The system you observe may be biological, social, mechanical, digital, or any combination of these. But you must offer an interpretation of the system as a feedback/control system.

The essay should be approximately 4-5 pages, double spaced, with standard margins and fonts. Research is not required, but sources must be cited (MLA style) if used.

Some questions to consider (you may, of course, consider other questions):

* What are the components of the system?
* How do the components communicate?
* How does the system utilize negative feedback to achieve homeostasis?
* If the system is not biological, how does it differ from a biological system?
* If the system is biological, what separates it from non-biological systems?



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