English 410:B01
George Mason University

Summer 2008

Analytical Report

This is the final project for the class.  The report should be analytical; it should stop short of making actual recommendations.  Rather, the report should focus on explaining the issue, its underlying causes or reasons, its possible effects or impacts, and a conclusion.  

If you began your research with a question, the conclusion should present your answer (For example, "Why are textbooks so expensive?"  Note that this does not recommend a course of action ("So you should buy your books online and sell them back to the bookstore").

The report should have several sections:

Front Matter: The front matter should include

  1. Title page with paper title, course information, and the date.
  2. Table of Contents. If the report includes a number of figures or tables, you should include a list of tables and figures in the front matter.
  3. Abstract of approximately 200 words.

The main section of the report includes three sections:

  1. Introduction: Includes background information on the issue, definitions, your research methods, and the proposed action.
  2. Body: Should include subtopics (subheadings). You will present the results of your research in this section.
  3. Conclusion: Summarizes the results and presents your conclusions.

End Matter: The End matter should include at least a References/Work Cited section. You may also include other Appendices if necessary.

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Engl 410 syllabus

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