Questionnaire on Attitudes and Behaviors
toward People with Disabilities

This questionnaire is designed to measure your current attitudes and behaviors with respect to people with disabilities.  First, take a moment to think about what you believe it means for a person to have a disability, then answer the questions below as accurately as you can.  
Thank you.
Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements by circling the response which matches your opinion.

 Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
1. My heart goes out to people in wheelchairs.

2. I feel sympathetic toward people who are visually disabled.

3. I assume that people with disabilities deserve special consideration.

4. I am more understanding of physical or sensory disabilities than emotional ones.

5. People who look or act differently scare me.

6. I sometimes think that people who claim to have emotional problems are faking it.

7. I sometimes feel that people with disabilities are being punished somehow for something they did.

8. I tend to talk with people with disabilities in a different tone of voice.

9. I tend to be more patient with people with disabilities.

10. I get angry more quickly at people with disabilities.


Please answer the following questions with a Yes or No.
11. I think employers should try to be extra helpful to any employees with a disability.
_____Yes _____No
12. I have at some point in my life teased or otherwise done something to hurt a person with a disability.
_____Yes _____No
13. People with disabilities should work in jobs that don't make their condition worse.
 _____Yes _____No
14. I have been employed in a position which involves helping people with disabilities.
 _____Yes _____No
15. I work with people with disabilities.
 _____Yes _____No
16. I have a good understanding of workplace disability discrimination issues .
 _____Yes _____No
17. Disability discrimination at work is not a big issue.
 _____Yes _____No

Thank you!  Please keep a copy of your answers to review again after you've explored the Disability Discrimination in the Workplace CFH.

Note: This questionnaire is adapted from authored by John Sanborn