Welcome to Deborah A. Polayes's Homepage

Deborah A. Polayes
Associate Professor
Ph. D. Biochemistry, Michigan State University, 1983
Office: 3012 David King Hall
Lab: NA
Voice: 703-993-4543
E-mail: "dpolayes@gmu.edu"
 Molecular and Microbiology Department Home Page
Dr. Polayes's research interests are in molecular biology and microbiology, biochemistry, and genetics.

Dr. Polayes teaches the following courses: General Genetics (Biol 311) and Biochemistry (Biol 483/583). See below for specific information on each course. 

Biol 311 General Genetics

  • Syllabus for Biol311, Summer session 04

    Fall 2004
    Biol 483/583 General Biochemistry